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No, this isn't about credit cards rewards

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bewildered, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    K guys, we can start a new topic if y'all want to discuss the difficulties of a man with a small penis impregnating a 400lb woman. But that is for another thread!
  2. Vorticon

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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 2, 2010
    Focus: Free apples on a Monday and Wednesday. And free life insurance, which is nice as a 28yo I guess? Also an allowance to help with contact lenses and glasses costs which is actually pretty useful with my tard-eyes. The fact we still get an open bar Christmas party despite costs being slashed everywhere is nice too. But still, an unlimited supply of apples two days a week is about where it peaks and typing this out has made me slightly more depressed by my career progression.
  3. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia
    Focus: I've been in the Defence Force here in Australia in varying forms for nearly twelve years now and there are varying perks.

    Free medical and dental although sometimes you get what you pay for, rental assistance and allowances when we are away on exercise. When work loads permit we are able to go to the gym during work hours and it's generally pretty easy to get away to do personal admin type things. I've even been lucky enough to be able to represent the country through Defence in a few different sports and go overseas to play.

    The majority of time the work load isn't too bad but when on exercise we definitely earn our dollars and there is always the bullshit short notice taskings that pop up. Overall I like to think I've won more than I lost and that's why I'm still in.
  4. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Focus: My dogwalking job has quite a few perks.

    I don't deal with people very often.
    When the weather is nice, it really doesn't feel like work.
    I pretty much decide how much I work.
    The dogs are always happy to see me.


    My schedule can be all over the place, making it very difficult to schedule things in my personal life.
    This winter was absolutely horrible.
    It makes me sad when I lose a client, usually because they move away.
    The money is not great.

    Overall, the job works well for me. I don't have to deal with a lot of people, and my boss is pretty hands off. I pretty much run my schedule (which I've gotten much better at), and if I go light a few weeks, that's fine. There's always more work to be picked up if I need it.
  5. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009

    -Very similar lifestyle to what Frebis mentioned. Travel during most weeks, home on the weekends. Sitting in airports, on planes, in hotel rooms, etc. is when Im active on the board. When I disappear is when Im home. Based on that, I rack up tons and tons of hotel rewards, airline miles, and ridiculous credit card offers because I dont pay for anything and my bill is paid off every month through reimbursement. Plus I get to stay at nice hotels, eat at good restaurants, and once in a while (depending on the clients budget), fly first class.
    -When I have to drive for work, I get paid $0.65 / per mile to the location minus the distance to the office. I live half a mile from the office so I essentially make money driving around for work.
    -Pretty decent pay for being 28 (#humblebrag)
    -My boss is awesome and he never ever hassles me about anything. Coming from a job where my boss was up my ass all the time a few years ago, its been a welcome change to have one I see about once every 4 months.


    -All of the Pros have downsides. The biggest one, also like Frebis said, it takes a toll on your personal life. Thankfully Futurewife is understanding and doesnt care since she works crazy hours too, but it sucks to be away. The glamour of traveling so much wears off, despite all the perks. Id much rather just be home playing video games and drinking Mountain Dew. Ive lost touch with a lot of friends and missed out on a lot of fun times simply because I havent been around.
    -Zero feedback on performance. I dont need to be validated or coddled, but the downside of having a boss that you never hear from is theres not much feedback on how Im doing. I have one performance review a year by the business Partner, who i see even less.
    -Not much interaction with coworkers. We get along great and the other guys at my level are a lot of fun, we just never have time to hang because were always at different clients and any downtime is spent at home. The people I have on my teams are sourced out of other company offices per their availability.
    -Im officially working about 50-60 hours a week. But factoring in travel, waiting around for planes, buses, taxis, driving, etc. its much higher.
  6. mya

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    A real life conversation I had with my boss last week included a very heated work discussion in which these points were brought up (loudly)

    * Straight people have anal sex too
    * You don't have the market cornered on rimming
    * What in the hell is pansexual?

    So I'd say that is a perk.
  7. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I used to work at a place where I could say pretty much anything I wanted with impunity. Hospitals are fun like that. Now I work in a place with far less educated and more sensitive people. And mostly female dominated so there goes a huge chunk of my humor base. The lower education thing come into play when my sarcasm isn't understood and my jokes go right over their heads.
  8. mya

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    that was an actual work related conversation and the heated debate which resulted because we disagreed.

    I wont even bring up the things that are said when joking.
  9. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia
    Being in the Defence Force our work conversations have ranged along all levels of the scale but it's had to clean up a lot in the last few years. We currently have someone who is changing gender from female to male in our section being paid for by Defence and there is a fair amount of reason to believe that this was the reason they joined.
  10. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I get to take vacation whenever I want. I just got bumped up to full-time with benefits, but I can decide if I want to work 50 hours one week and 30 the next. I can decide to take off whatever days I want as long as I give notice before Sunday. If I happen to be working a day I don't feel like, there are a bunch of other people on staff who can work for me.

    My boss takes me to every fancy wine tasting in town under the aegis of 'education' so many of my days are spent getting drunk at 12pm, and often times being sent away with free wine. If I don't get free wine at the shows, my boss is pretty good about just unloading cases of wine on me for 'doing a good job.' I also get to try and buy killer wine at cost. Often times when I am opening the bar, I am sampling incredibly cool esoteric wines brought in by our reps.

    Our chef makes the MOST INSANE food in Portland. It is a constantly revolving five-course dinner menu that is always being shoved down my gullet. Our boss is very particular about making sure his staff is always fed, so we rarely pay for anything we eat while at work, and can take menu food home.

    Everything is 50% off, all the time. I can (and do) come in and drink half-price liquor all night. Again, our boss really likes us to think of our bar as home, so he is elated when we come and drink on our off days or after our shifts.

    All the people who work there are some of the coolest people I've ever met, truly genuine human beings you want to be around. Plus, the chicks are all crazy hot.

    Every Sunday before Thanksgiving, we decorate for the holidays. Everything consumed that day is free, as long as you are hanging up lights and such. Then, every New Year's Eve, we throw a party that goes completely bananas. Staff drinks for free again. Drinking for free on NYE is an unbeatable perk. I probably save hundreds of dollars a year based on how cheap/free the liquor is at my bar.

    Nearly the best job ever. Now if I could just talk the owner into that rooftop pony, I'd be golden.
  11. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Who doesn't love big union jobs. I am typing this from work as I speak.

    - As long as my job gets done, it really doesn't matter what I do
    - Great wage, probably closest to the lowest in the industry but still good
    - Monday-Friday 8-4:30
    - I love my job, so I am very good at it

    - Everybody complains/hates the job, no fucking idea why
    - I love my job, so I am compatent at it, so when there is jobs that need to get done that aren't really my job, I get them. I could say no, but I have lots of room to do what i want, so I do it. yay for give and take.