This is how I find my monkey after she goes missing in the house for three minutes. Like me, a complete kook.
Poorly spelled sign of the week, taken right across the road from my house. I actually bought a watermelon from the guy (mostly out of pity), and it's chilling in the refrigerator right now. It better be good. Yes, that is my car in the background.
A local bar is closing, so one of my roommates wound up being there when the bartenders were taking stuff off the wall and handing it out to patrons. This thing takes up most of the wall. I love it and will get it from him.
Bit of a storm came through tonight... The titty-shaped cloud on the left was rotating and not too far away from the porch I was on. Whiskey cubes from the exquisite waters of the jetstream.
The Glen Canyon Dam from the Colorado River. For reference, we're about 1/2 mile away from the dam, the bridge is 700 ft. above the water, and those blue things at the edge of the river are 20-person rafts. Spoiled for size: Spoiler
I was just going through the pictures that I took when I flew to Newfoundland in 2007, so here's a random cove shot:
Sometimes I get drunk at sporting events and pretend I'm a really talented photographer. That was the game I won $5,000 though - so clearly God was telling me it was okay to drink and embarrass myself in front of Jays fans.
It was raining lightly this weekend when I stopped by a state park near my hometown that I love. The trees are just greening up and the waterfalls are intense from the rain.
You how when you're driving a Cadillac (or other car like that), and even though you're barely pressing on the accelerator - before you know it you're going 90mph? That's what this is like. *not me in the boat, it's the sales guy
Bonus points to anyone who can call the city... This is a crown jewel for travelers. trust me... it's worth it.
Since no one has guessed correctly and I have no patience... the location is Dahuk, Kurdistan. It's seriously a GREAT vacation spot, especially for the adventure traveler with an interest in the Middle East.
Drove up to Ottawa this weekend with a rainbow ahead of us. And yes, I still get excited about rainbows like children do.
Here's a few pics from last weekend on Lake Superior. This is the pier in Duluth. All freighters must pass through the canal to get into the port. These are a few freighters that were passing through. This is the first time I've ever got to see them in person. I was in awe at their size. This is where we were staying. The basalt outcroppings line the shore for hundreds of miles. We had a bonfire on them one night with the waves crashing up onto us. It was really cool. This is me swimming in Lake Superior. It was about 35 degrees. You have to be careful, though, because the bottom of the lake is just like the big outcroppings in the last pic. One step you're waist deep and the next step you fall off a cliff into the abyss. Just to the right of the big rock behind me is an underwater cliff that drops off so deep you can't see the bottom, which is saying something considering the lake is so clear that the average visibility is 27' and up to 100' in some places!
I took this today at the Patriot Festival in Charlotte. I think it's perfect. The guy in the picture is a vet from Iraq who lost both his legs in the war. If you look closely you can see his prosthetic legs. He made a perfect landing and gave a very inspiring speech afterward.
Unintentionally hilarious sign of the week: BRILLO HAIR SALON--SPECIALIZING IN ETHNIC HAIR (Not the real slogan, but it would be awesome if it was.)
Dad's a Shriner, and a member of the "Iron Camels", which is a motorcycle group they have that do parades, etc. They had a bit of a storm go through town, and one of his friends suffered some damage as a result. I'm sure that'll buff right out. Right?