A couple of requests for the zombie watercolor painting in the living room: Spoiler Spoiler There is a weird glare in the photo, sorry. A friend of mine that is a starving artist painted that at my behest. I had it done for Mr. P's birthday.
Forgot to post my Irene pics. All taken at Wrightsville Beach, NC Spoiler This pier is about 16 feet high
I was out in the woods this morning when it was extremely foggy yet the temperature had dropped some, so there was heavy condensation all over everything.
I have a shitty cell phone that takes shitty cell phone pictures. That said, I woke up every morning for an entire week, to this: Going back to work tomorrow is going to suck.
That is my very happy peanut-butter-covered baby sitting next to a (now nearly empty) jar of peanut butter that his older brother left open on the counter. The real pisser is that he HATES bathtime so cleaning this up was especially fun.
All you internet dorks realize there's an "outside", right? And that there's a killer full-moon going on? First noticed this coming up over the far side of the lake... Then about 10 minutes later, it's a full-on Harvest Moon. Excuse the shit iPhone pic.
Went to a grading for one of my old martial arts styles on the weekend and got to participate a little. Not bad for a pasty, unfit 30-something with joint problems.
We went to the park yesterday...It was great fun. I had a laugh that we went to the park on his old truck... It's really super pretty...all original and all that.
My ex co worker moved to Texas to set up his own business. I asked him to find me a cowboy. Today, I got the message that he found me a cowboy with the following picture. He took it in down town Austin.