A few photo's of a couple of dear that were in my back yard. Feed them a few apples and took a few shots.
I have been informed that it is "fucking weird" to separate Smarties by colour, arrange them in a colour wheel, and then consume them in order of that colour wheel. I guess that makes me weird.
Poorly spelled sign of the day: (it was written the same way on both sides of the sign, so this was no accident.)
Spoiler This little guy happened to fly into a window and land directly at my dog's feet while we were playing in the backyard. It was knocked out from the impact but still quite alive, so I held it in my hand then let it perch on my finger while it came to. After about 10 minutes it was looking around and seemed okay, so I gave it a little toss away from the dog and it flew away unharmed.
So I took an alternate route home yesterday and saw this. I think the person who wrote it is unclear on the concept of "Wang." You see, a wang is something you put into other things, not the other way around. I could understand if they called it "Trash poon," or "trash anus," or... Well, I think you see where I'm going with this.
I was the best man at a wedding a couple weeks back and, apologies to the bride, but I think this was the best photo of the day. Wedding party photobombed by a dog named Boot who clearly did not give a single fuck about anything.
Saw this in the road yesterday morning - timber rattler, about 4-5 feet long. I stayed in my car, of course.
Mr P and I hit up a sweet car show a couple weeks ago so I could check out the latest project he contributed to at work. He didn't work on this one, but it's awesome.
I'll use the same caption that I used on Facebook - "Sometimes the only way to fix your crummy week is to wrap things in bacon."
I opened an umbrella just before the photo stand during the Peachtree Road Race. Because I'm hilarious.
How much ass do you think this guy gets with a decal like that on his truck? Also, he misspelled "too" and "hos".