Nettdata said if I didn't post some picture of my recent 3 day 3 night sailing race he would stop sending me naked pictures of himself, can't have that...
One shot is of the Leven Canyon in Tasmania’s North West Coast, the other was taken is NY eve. 10 of us rented a house on the NE coast of Tasmania, at about 11:30 a huge electrical storm blew over, thanks for the free show nature! (My mate took this photo he has a $1300 camera, takes better shots than my 3GS.)
This is a small town in the Czech Republic named Cesky Krumlov. Yes, it is incredibly beautiful! Completely worth the three hour bus ride from Prague.
I'd like to say this was at some redneck bar, but it wasn't. It was in uptown Toronto. Like the new TV (stand)?
I forgot to include this before Christmas . . . I have sooooo many questions: - Does he get to ride in the HOV lane? - How can you live in a house with 10 foot or taller ceilings and not be able to afford: a) a truck b) a trailer c) call a friend with a truck? - A la Clark W. Griswold, did he dig that out of the ground himself? - Did he go to the store with the plan pictured here, or did he get to the store, discover a deal he couldn't pass up, and think to himself "meh, that'll fit?" - Do you think he'd have gotten more joy just driving around the rest of the holiday season like that, instead of setting it up in his house? - Is his wife: a) back at the store, since there was no room b) also in the car, gasping for air c) at home, clueless about the errand she sent him on? Wait, nevermind. If he's driving a Miata, he's obviously gay.
Went snowboarding this weekend despite the absolute lack of snow Vancouver has had recently. Sure the snow was shite, but the Vancouver view is always awesome.
Chartreuse and soda, lit by an LED torch and a homemade violet laser (scavenged from a PS3). Fuck I'm a good photographer when I'm drunk.
I got an EL OH EL out of this when I saw this last July A tornado that came through my parents place a few years back, the video of the tornado made it onto CNN/etc/etc only hours later.. and I was getting texts from friends overseas quickly after the tornado hit. It was nuts. Tornados suck, and I'm sure I posted this photo on the old forum before.
Just discovered the place I want to visit before I die. Iguazu Falls. Absolutely mind-blowing. And those are just previews. Link to Wiki with high-res images.
You know that USDA certified Angus beef you pay extra for in the store....? I'd like to introduce our most recent addition to our herd. Snouts.
At the wedding, all windy and shit. There's a busted collarbone and a week old scab. YUM! I'm actually healing really quicklike. There's more roadrash but I'm done grossing ya'll out, haha.
Christmas came early for me this year!! Flight Gear Issue! What you see here is your tax dollars hard at work. I got two green & two tan flight suits, steel toed boots, a brown leather jacket, a green flight jacket, one kick-ass flight helmet, Military issued sunglasses, two pair of flight gloves, a couple pairs of flame-retardant thermals, and small and large flight gear bags with kneeboard, logbook, and a couple other odd's and end's. Total worth? About $1200. Oh yeah, it's pretty sweet.
Friend of mine's father was out in Southwester Ontario today, and ran across this. They probably didn't get to see the games on TV, but they sure have the Olympic spirit. Totally made my day. Canada rocks. (PS: They're Mennonites).