Northern Virginia. It's just the close by grocery stores that have shitty selections. We have a Wegmans about 8 miles away with an excellent selection of everything. We usually just go there, driving past half a dozen other stores to get there.
In my experience, number three is the most problematic. But I'm an old fat guy with a terrible sweet tooth.
I have 4. Be the best father I can be. Be the best husband I can be. Be the best worker I can be. Make time for some sort of hobby that makes me less bitter about dedicating all of my time to 1-3. My wife accepted a new job today. She currently works 6am-9pm 3 days a week. This left me feeling like a single father 3 days a week. I had no time for myself ever. It made me pretty bitter and tired. So tired. Her new job has normal hours. No weekends or holidays. We can be a family again. I may have enough free time to concentrate on number 4 again. I’m very excited.
Focus: 1. Fat stuff. Added a calorie counting app to my life. I eat too much. 2. Practice art. I play with several mediums and start many things but I don’t finish them. I need to practice daily. Something every day. I also need to finish them. So I can sell them and get them out of the garage. Drinking a red blend tonight by Banshee, enjoying the snow. It’s been way too dry this winter in Denver.
Focus: 1. Finish Jungle Julia's LS engine swap (I've got pictures coming, I just need to download them) 2. Finally tie up all the loose ends left over from my dad's death in 2016. Yeah, I've still been putting some things off.
I don't know if this will help or not, but years ago one of my friends was a guitarist in a band in LA. They were one of the top bands headlining on Sunset and Dana Strum (Bass player of Slaughter and record producer) started working with him and his band. He told them to write and complete one song everyday. It didn't matter if the song sucked, finish it. I know from my experience this is pretty sound advice. Once that original spark of inspiration is gone, it's gone forever. If you finish it off right away, no matter how uninspired, you still have something that you can use later. I don't know how well this works with other forms of creativity, but with songwriting and writing it seems to work. There's always something there you can use....a chord progression, a phrase, a melody line....something. Finishing something creative is the hardest part. Perhaps there is way you can combine your projects?
1. Stop drinking soda. I’m starting with something a little more solid than just not being fat, but damn, corn syrup is addictive. And headaches from the caffeine withdrawal are a bitch. 2. Read more. To turn off my brain when I’m not at work. 3. Prepare for the end of the year, when we’re moving out of Nashville. Be it money saving measures or simply starting to pack early. 4. Get my resume up to date and start hunting for potential new jobs ASAP. Today at work wasn’t stressful but it was a long day. I just want a Coke...ugh.
After a 30th birthday my wife got way too drunk way too early. Slammered about half way through, to the point no one could could control her. I now have both bones broken in my left arm and the cops are wanting to file domestic abuse charges. This court date should be fun.
Ultimately my projects will combine. I’m production manager for a very large thrift store and have been collecting some great furniture pieces. I want to paint them and make them weird. Mr P is an excellent carpenter and is excited to help me give these things new life. For example, I found these awesome zebra straight back chairs. The legs were beat so we are going to replace them with legs with hooves... I’ve also been working with watercolor, acrylic and oil on canvas. I’m getting better at it when I make time for it. I’ve been cutting out time wasting distractions, deleted social media, avoiding my couch as I get stuck in it sometimes. All steps to get more focused and to finish these pieces.
Not that I need to convince anyone for imaginary internet points, but yeah.... I’m hurting. She broke a few of my ribs (fucker can hit turns out). I’m trying to think of a good excuse for when I go the emergency clinic. *edit* just to go a little further, the cops were awesome btw. As I’ve mentioned on here I’m a concealed carrier and that extends to my home as well. I told 911 I had a firearm on me, so once they got there they got it (after asking my permission for it) and just asked me to stand by the cop car while another cop did some medical aid (which i really didn’t need, but the thought was appreciated). Cue the “if you were black jokes,” but in a beyond shitty situation I have nothing but nice to say about the police.
Who called the cops? How do you know if they are broken if you have not had medical care yet? So many questions...
I called the cops. I know they’re broken because I’ve broken ribs before. My brain tumor took calcium out of my system and gave me temporary osteoporisis. In that time I broke 11 bones (plus my nose a bunch of times). Since then, I’ve just stopped going to the clinic bc I know what the care is like so I keep an IFAK on me and treat it myself. At this point, I’m around 20-ish broken bones (including my nose a bunch of times, not including my wrist and ribs which I wanna get checked out)
Well, if you called the cops and there are charges, it's probably a bad idea to make up a fake story when you go get medical care. Just a thought. Now who wants a beer! Its 5 o'clock somewhere (my imagination), amiright?
My in-laws live ten minutes from Treehouse and brought me 12 beers at Christmas. Awesome gift, for sure. Their limited release winter beers were great.
Theyre really good, I’ve never had a bad brew from them. I’ll just never understand why they don’t sell it anywhere. Charlton or Auburn or wherever they are isn’t near anything.
Geez, does every conversation in this damn place always come back around to beer?!? That’s awesome. Carry on.