Haven't been able to get my hands on any Lights Out to try that yet, but Julius is amazing. Since you're in Boston, have you tried Trillium? They're another one that's really found their stride in the hazy IPA game. Every time my SIL and her husband come to visit I make them bring me at least a 4 pack.
I try to keep my posts short and to the point without any extra stuff in the middle. You know, less filling.
I like to let my posts age a bit before submitting them. They're not as quantitative as some others, but the content level is much higher so you really only need one or two to get you feeling good.
Country cops are different from city cops. Once they got my wife settled down and attended to me, we offered them beer and gave them coffee on the way out. Also learned a lot about how to not get shot if I have a gun on me (concealed carry; apparently I handled it the right way). Don’t get me wrong, what my wife did was horrible and I’m going to the emergency care in a bit to get myself fixed up. But I can excuse one drunken evening. Twice is a pattern though so if it happens again shame on me.
Trillium is great. They just open a huge restaurant-type place with a full food menu a few months ago. Really cool spot. Harpoon has a great brewery too. They used the left over yeast and make huge soft pretzels with different toppings. Awesome shit.
Technically, it started with boobs (thanks 'wildered!) and then came around to beer. TiB is a lot like senior prom, now that I think about it. Tastes great!
You were all, "she broke my arm!" and they were all, "you glued her ass to the toilet seat again" and then she was all, "high five, amirite?" and then they were all "Hand me another beer!" and then . . .
If only he was that funny on here... On an unrelated note, xrays revealed two broken bones in my wrist and a broken sternum. Pain pills should be fun, unfortunately no alcohol. I need the break though (no pun intended). And sadly dr has me going in for an mri based upon an eye drift that has resurfaced, in combination with my recent behavior changes. My family and I are a tad (understatement) worried my brain tumor has come back again. I have an absolutely horrible feeling about it.