Fucking hell man. Reminds me of this. I found a cheap cava at the discount grocery for $6.99. probably not the best representation of the category but here we go!
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/03/corey-harris-suspended-license/73963078007/ The man we all laughed at for getting sent to jail for driving was the victim of a clerical error. He was not driving under suspended license. The suspension was lifted in 2022, but everything that needed to be done for that to take effect was not completed. Don't we all feel like fools, for passing judgment so quickly!
I hope I can get to check out cosmic baseball one day. Looks like the only way you can get tickets right now is to win a lottery.
And, plus, he was still driving and Zooming. With the judge. So, there were definitely other reasons to laugh at him.
By “dropping” do you mean all the injuries this year? the bottles dude. Myself and a bunch of others who got injured by them emailed the organizers right afterward. It was a huge deal. so there are so many people doing that race, that the water supplier (Buxon) makes water bottles specifically for the aid stations. Millions of them. They’re these 200ml plastic bottles — made of recycled material and designed for ease of recycling afterward — where you flip open the lid and drink. Easy as can be. Massive trash bins, almost like dumpsters, all over the course, but as long as you tossed them over the barricades they would take care of it. OR you could leave the top open and just drop it on course. The only way you could be a dick was if you closed the fucking top and dropped it like a lazy ass in the middle of the road. Because then if someone stepped on it, it would be akin to landing your running stride on rugby ball you didn’t see. There were signs all over plus messages being repeated over loudspeakers about water station instructions and the common sense thing to do. guess what asshole ignored?
No, no no. The several dead and numerous, horrific injuries and people being carted off in ambulances that you saw.
I run a small rental company on the side. I started out with a mini excavator and a dump trailer. I asked around and there seemed to be some use for a kubota track carrier, so i went out and financed one. Well 2 years is up and my last payment has come out of the account. Thank fuck, that has been an absolute waste of 29k, I think I have like 60 hours on it. Everyone who said, "yea i would rent it once and a while, hasn't called once".
Apparently the guy with the suspended license who called the judge while driving had his license reinstated a couple of years ago.
Apparently the guy who wrote this post has Fiveslide blocked or doesn't know how to scroll up on this page.
Rule #1 when running a business of any kind, whenever someone offers a suggestion who does not also run a business exactly like yours in every way, ignore their suggestion. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone make suggestions for things we should do in the restaurant or our BnB that are just HORRIBLE ideas, but they are always followed with, "If you did "X", I would totally get/do/order that all the time." It never fails.
Definitely, but unfortunately, when adding new equipment, i look around to see what other places are renting, and i ask what people need. Just got fucked this time. Another 8 months and my excavator will be paid off.