It's nuts. I really wish that all meteorologists would just go absolutely insane and take it to absurd extremes. To the point that it's some life-threatening japanese game show type coverage. Hell, for all we know, this is some inside joke that they all have as a secret pact upon graduation from weather school.
And a kite sail on a random deployment timer. Or have some feedback from the users... they can vote, and when the vote hits a certain level, "go go gadget kite sail deployment". From there it's a GPS tracker and some betting on where they land.
all their egos are just that high. They think it's all about them. In undergrad I took a meteorology course taught by a tv weatherman, who is a bit of a local celebrity just because he's been on tv forever. His ego was through the fucking roof. At one point in the semester we went down to the coast for a behind the scenes thing with the aquarium, and at multiple points he was recognized and asked for his autograph. Dude made a massive deal out of it in front of everyone, was that douchey pretend humble, you could tell he was just eating it up. He and I got along because I was genuinely interested in the class so he was cool with me giving him shit about hit schtick, but fuck... the way he behaved when he was in public was still so cringe-worthy. It was like he thought he was the star of movie all about him. In unrelated news: Alex Wilson on the Weather Channel is one tall drink of water.
I truly dig this floor. Does anyone know if there's a particular name for this? EDIT: I just blew it up. It appears it might be carpet, if it is, dear God is it hideous. A wood floor like that would be cool, but carpet...hell no.
I don't think it's a carpet, I just think the photo is fuzzy. If I had to guess I'd say aromatic eastern red cedar, carefully selected to get that heartwood/sapwood contrast.
Remember their non-apology forever: “The gentlemen in the background have it easy to walk on concrete, while Mike is on wet grass.” ….that was the WEATHER network who said that. Pawning off fear-mongering like they’re not guilty of it.
Back to Canoe Bitch: How is this any more moral than using a corked bat in baseball? ….you’re just a lying cheater: Nothing be will ever beat that reporter taking it the face from an airborne fish. Until an upright piano crushes one of these weather idiots, that one is unbeatable..
Hey so, the people of Sanibel whose only land access to the mainland was destroyed and whose boats were probably torn right off their moorings, did they buy enough Ramen and canned beans to last?
I’ve seen very little from sanibel since yesterday aside from the wrecked causeway. Even if someone were the have a boat to get to the mainland, Ft. Myers is completely fucked.
Captiva is/was a beautiful area. We've vacationed there so many times. One time we docked at the main harbor, and a few minutes later "Privacy" sailed in. Never saw Tiger there, but it was still insane to see the boat in person.