I'm rolling the buggy out to my car and a black man in an SUV drives past and parks next to me, just so he could tell me that " you are the reason black men want to pursue an interracial relationship." Aw thanks! I will say that maybe my yoga shorts were asking for it. Might have to not wear these in public anymore.
We’re having an awesome sunshower here in perfectly clear weather. How does this happen exactly? I’m looking up, the sky is blue, and it’s raining.
Nt the police but an enemy of blacks far more insipid the cis white hetereo-normative white male hunter:
The video doesn’t tell the whole story. Zoo police face split-second decisions day in and day out. If anything the police are the real victims here, because of the backlash.
Between game 7 of the WCF and game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals being on at pretty much the exact same time, I have no idea WTF I'm supposed to do tonight.
Its a hot one. It’s 33 C. That’s a cool 100 to you damn yankees. So nice right now to work in a giant steel box with no air conditioning while wearing coveralls.
I just picked up another yard of soil for the garden and the truck is reading 35°C... so I can only imagine that's about 40°C with the humidex. PERFECT weather for physical exertion by an out-of-shape keyboard warrior like me... but I have to get it happening before the rain hits in a couple of days.
It hit over 105 this weekend. We were at the lake, and it was still hell. This coming week the highs are gonna be "just" in the high 90s, then next week the highs will be between 100-105 again all week.
This is going to be like the 2011 summer in terms of temps. The last several summers were hot but they weren’t unbearable. In 2011, as soon as June hit, it was 100+ degree temps almost daily until September.
I'm roughly a decade younger than you and terrified of what my body will look like when I'm your age. I'm building a lab workbench and decided to use black steel pipe for the frame. I don't have any metalworking tools to speak of, so I just used sandpaper to remove the mill scale or whatever the coating is. Ended up calling it a night around beer #13 when I dropped a can of wood stain and splattered myself. I woke up this morning and could barely walk. I have no idea how there are so many muscles that I can apparently live my day-to-day life without using at all.
But it's supposed to be a relatively calm hurricane season. Doesn't that usually mean cooler temps? I thought the warmer the weather the worse the hurricanes.