I kind of applaud them for it. She's got a history of being a hard-core bitch and abusive, and for all we know it was the last straw that broke the camel's back. I also find it refreshing how it was a decision that has all the appearances of being made for non-financial reasons... just a single Tweeted release of, basically, "we're not going to tolerate your racist shit, go away", despite it being a big commercial success. Better that than them trying to justify and excuse her actions so they could still make money.
It probably was. She seems full on Alex Jones level of conspiracy theorist and appears to have a long and established history of screaming crazy shit at anybody willing to listen. I guess if it was someone being cancelled who had mostly behaved and been civil outside of this incident then it would seem odd for such a drastic action, but in her case... yeah probably not so much.
Sometimes people screw up. The entertainment and sports industry is filled with people that say / tweet / do despicable things - DUI, racist statements, spousal abuse, offensive statements. You know, kind of like a cross section of the rest of the population. It always fascinates me when the public decides to forgive and move on and when they don't. Sean Penn, Mike Tyson, Ray Lewis, Chris Brown all committed terrible acts, but Michael Richards apparently can't be forgiven? I guess Roseanne had just one too many, and like you said, was the final straw. I never watched her old show and didn't watch the reboot.
I also admire that they made this decision without considering social media pressure, threats or “boycotts”. They cancelled the show before I had even heard about the tweet. I was impressed. What sucks is all of those people working on the show who aren’t assholes, who now lost their job because of her mouth. She needs to be held accountable for that.
The makers of ambien tweeted that racism is not a known side-effect of the medication. They win the internet today.
Well shit. I just got home and there are cops everywhere. I guess about an hour ago two cars drove through the neighborhood having a rolling gun fight....right in front of the fucking house. It nay be time to move. I can deal with a lot of shit, but bangers having gun fights in front of the house? Nope, nope, nope.
Perhaps this one is more appropriate for the WDT, as it shows tits. "I wanna girl in a cowboy hat/ her tongue knows where my butthole's at"
Ahem. Just in case anyone was curious, breast milk is not a substitute for cream in your morning cofffee.