How the hell do you have rhubarb ready to go this early in the year? It was always mid/late summer when I'd come across some that was ready to eat. I tried to domesticate some rhubarb when I was in Mississippi, it didn't work. Rhubarb seems to be something that only grows successfully wild.
Meh. He's getting a bit tired. Let's see him cover this: A "Metal" cover of that would be interesting.
It was here when we moved into the house 35 years ago, and it keeps growing in the same place each year. We don't do anything to promote or support it, it just keeps coming back. It always seems to come out early Spring, year after year. It's now a good 3 feet high and ready to be harvested. That's all I know.
It’s like a Hosta. It just never seems to die. My grandparents had it in their garden for decades. They didn’t plant it originally, treat it, water it once. It is one tough plant.
Lucky you. I love rhubarb, but it's always been a pretty much when I stumble across it treat, and I don't stumble across it often. I honestly can't recall the last time I found some, but it's been ages.
They should have just poured diuretic all over that plant and let karma take care of itself next time she returned.
At least, so far, the Vegas Knights look a bit more engaged tonight then they did in Wednesday's game. They looked like they didn't give a shit the other night.
I got drunk today and went to Costco. I came home with a whole pork belly that I’m currently marinating to turn into a smoked porchetta tomorrow. I have never worked with pork belly outside of the bacon arena. Anyone have any tips to make this pork belly my bitch?
Basically. My wife calls them my brain hiccups. Usually it's really minor shit, like that I posted a song on here the day before, or like a few days ago I remembered my wife had asked me to get tortillas on my way home from work, forgetting that two days prior I had already gotten them. Sometimes it's a little more drastic, like when I drove to work on a Saturday because I forgot what day it was, or when one time I didn't remember we were flying to florida that afternoon so I had to rush to pack and I forgot my underwear. There's a reason I have my sons' birthdays tattooed on my arm. My eldest turned 4 yesterday by the way. In case y'all wanna feel old. Seems like yesterday I was freaking out on here that he was about to be born.
Wait, which one? I have two sons now. One who was born in June, 4 years ago, another who was born in *checks arm for date* August of last year.