I'm not sure if I have ever heard the words "not my job" from someone who wasn't a lazy worthless asshole. It's right up there with "I don't get paid enough to..." [insert incredibly easily solved problem that a toddler could fix].
They go hand in hand with the winners who sue for wrongful dismissal because the company policy never stated that Xeroxing your asscheeks— and putting the copies in everybody's inbox— isn’t allowed.
My wife's and my 8 year anniversary is tonight. Just pulled the tbones out of the marinade and put some montreal seasoning on them. Gonna make them with some sauteed asparagus with butter, garlic, and lemon zest + juice, along with baked potatoes. This will be my 4 year old's first time having a t-bone (he eats so much I have to get him his own steak now). I anticipate him entering a food coma at some point.
I’ll be honest. If I was your kid... ...I’d just keep telling you I’ve never had a t-bone, and reap the benefits of that short term memory loss.
I did it once when something that was part of my job got handed off to another team (that wasn't ready to take it) and I was explicitly instructed by my manager not to cover for them. So when shit started to go sideways, I got to joyfully say "not my job!" to any requests to intervene.
This is kind of cool, Kraft Heinz Corp. has set up a fund to pay the fines incurred by children who run afoul of the law by having lemonade stands. What's hilarious is the expressions on the faces of the “Legal-Ade” unit in this picture. It looks like they mean business, no?
Is this honestly something that has become an issue? Because our city EMT squad (SWAT team) stopped and bought lemonade from my daughter’s stand, and they certainly had no issue with it. How morally bankrupt do you have to be....