It’s certainly big, but one of very many. Last year in the Everglades your coast guard picked up a load in the water worth a cool $1.4 billion. No country consumes it more than America, countless tonnes cross the border every year.
Everytime we were sailing the Atlantic, I always had eyes peeled looking for square grouper. Not that I wanted to snort it, this was after my rounds with the cocaine, but I know people that could move it without much effort. Now that I'm a parent, if we get a boat and go again, I'll be speeding away from it as fast as possible. I would have taken that risk back in the day, I think.
I’m not a drug guy, despite recently jumping on the weed bandwagon, but that seems like an enormous amount of coke, and that’s just the small fraction intercepted. Does everyone do coke but me? Is it really that prevalent? And no - no desire.
Na, life changing money. Even if you get a finders fee for giving it back to the cartel, life changing money.
I think you'd be surprised how many people do it. I'm not talking just people hooked on it, I'm talking including people that will do it occasionally if it's around. I know people in their 60s that will still do a little toot every now and then. When I was doing it in my 20s at the biker bar we made a second home, I'd say 85% of patrons would partake if offered.
If I'm on a sailboat again, heading to or from the Bahamas, my life doesn't need any changing. I will be happy, content. I don't know any cartel members, but I think you over estimate their generosity in these matters. i feel like it'd be a good deal if they let you live.
Always be skeptical of the value of the drugs. The police are trying to justify their jobs and that value is usually what they think the street value would be. How much should you got top dollar on every ounce after it was cut.
Police to press: “this bag of the weed is $500” dude on the corner: “bitch that stepped on shit is a hundred, max”
Maybe some exaggeration but there is a pretty well established market price at any time in any given area. Legally they have to be very very precise in the weights because that is what the criminal statutes and punishments are based on. Even in bulk amounts like this.