Side question: is there some unwritten law that demands whenever a car costs over $200k you have to paint it a colour that would make a Mantis Shrimp squint?
I swear to fucking god I have like 9 lives. But this tally must be running low. My wife called me, her tire blew out at the intersection of a major highway. Because I'm paranoid, I always keep road flares in my truck. I happened to be working from home today so I was there pretty quick to help her, faster than roadside assistance would get anyway. Thing is, I told her to get on the other side of the concrete median, because that's how secondary accidents happen with vehicles pulled off to the side, rubberneckers and all that. She didn't listen. I got there, started changing her tire, she wanted to watch and I yelled at her to go in the direction of traffic and on the other side of the barrier. Still didn't listen. I told her that in the rare event something did happen, at least it would happen to just one of us and our kids wouldn't be orphans. Well right after I got the tire off, there was a secondary accident right past us. My head was under the car checking the jack at the time. Think she'll listen now? Or at least make me a sandwich?
When most admins yell "I SHIT ON THIS WHOLE SCHOOL!", they just take the severance and go. It's not literal. Wow.
I so, so badly want to hear his motive. Someone doing it once when they were really drunk would be one thing, but what in the fuck motivates someone to secretively shit in the same spot day after day like that? I don't know, but I want to know. The article also wasn't completely clear about the exact spot he was shitting. How did they know this was human feces and how did this end up warranting a police investigation? Didn't people just assume someone was walking their dog there? I mean, did they take the shit in for testing or something? Was he shitting on something that constituted vandalism? I really don't know the laws about shitting on or around a track. Was he doing something with his shit after shitting it that indicated it was malicious shitting? I am so fucking curious about this. And here the media is all concerned about the president and other nonsense. People have a right to know about shit!
Can you imagine him setting his alarm clock 2 hours early every day? Picture him rolling around in bed thinking "Oh, man I really could use that extra couple hours of sleep, but I HAVE TO go shit at the track."
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. A variation on th ol' Bug-In-The-Ear story. She did such a good job writing this blog piece recounting the ordeal, it's worth sharing. But WARNING WARNING WARNING, if you elect to read this article, be prepared as you scroll to the last picture. Just . . . I can't even. Spoiler: Gross Reading Ahead
What was posted at the time, I didn't find interesting. Those specific songs still don't do it for me. But since I subscribed to him on youtube though and started seeing what he puts up regularly, about half of it is good, and a quarter of it really entertaining. I don't like metal that sounds like noise just for the sake of noise. Pantera, Slayer, basically all hair metal (sorry toytoy), I just don't get it. That Leo dude isn't just sound though. There's actually talent, not just playing the guitar really loud and turning his amp up to 11.
It's funny, all the royalties from that song go to The Rolling Stones Jagger and Richards. The Verve made nothing from that song.
There's several breeds that are on average as large or larger than humans. You've seriously never seen or heard of any of them? English Mastiffs for example are over 200 pounds average. Now, I've never seriously examined any of their shit to see if it is noticeably different than human shit in appearance, but shit a good pile, they can. That would do it, but I just assumed he was already crapping so differently than the rest of us that he wasn't using any. Toilet paper seems like too much of an indoor activity for someone like that. I feel like leaving toilet paper around somewhat defeats the purpose of constantly leaving the turds, but I am not at all going to pretend to understand this guy's mindset.
I rank it high in the Turd Lawsuit list. It was the 4th biggest song of its year. But Jagger needed the cash. If you’re going to go after somebody for ripping you off, isn’t the obvious choice Steven Tyler?