I've drank and played cards with them a couple times. Gave them some eggs and cucumbers once. They gave me cactus and chorizo another time. Just normal neighbor stuff. Early grey tea contains bergamot. It's a good classic garden pollinator lover flower to grow. It has other names like bee balm and horsemint.
ok, I'll admit I was bored and thought I'd have a look at Linkedin and see if anyone loved me enough to search for me. There on my home page was a list of suggested people I should follow. WTF is a 'road block remover' and a 'learning enabler'? Back when I were lad, he'd have just called himself a wanker and everyone would know what his skillset was. I'm glad I've retired and no longer have to justify masturbation to anyone, I can just get on with it and avoid having to make up labels.
I rarely log into LinkedIn. When I do, it's an onslaught of messages from random people trying to buy their random SIEM tool or some "tech evangelist" wanting to talk about God-knows-what.
People with no skills now can become "scrum masters" whose job it is to oversee regular check-in meetings, and run interference when someone has a problem so that the person with the problem can keep working. This used to be what project managers and tech leads did, but apparently we needed a whole new job category, because people who were bad engineers but not organized enough to be project managers wanted a job, too, only they didn't really want to do a lot of things that were very measurable, so there's a lot of hand-waving and creating special labels for the tasks they do so that everyone thinks they're Important People doing Meaningful Work, and shouldn't be paid like a secretary.
Fuck. it’s like we’re all just trading everything back and forth. Stomach flu, sinus infections, just a house of three people sneezing and shitting and puking. well, not the kid, he’s just snotty. He's having a blast watching us move around in various stages of decay.
That's one of the worst parts about parenthood... wondering why your kid doesn't feel as shitty as you do when you're sick so they slow the fuck down and you can actually rest and recover. Like, come on, man, no I don't want to play dinosaurs, I want to sit in my chair and cry.
Consider yourself lucky you missed most of the winter season. In her first year at daycare, my daughter brought home: flu, strep throat, hand, foot and mouth, and endless colds and stomach bugs. My son got COVID his first day at daycare when he was four months old and gave it to the rest of us.
After 6 months to a couple of years things will smooth out. Something to look forward to- we were completely unprepared for all of the illnesses our daughter had when she went to college. Take people from all over the country, put them in close quarters, then factor in partying and the close physical contact college students engage in, and wham, diseases galore. Both her freshman and sophomore year she was sick within a couple of weeks of the start of school. Her freshman year We visited for parents day about 5 weeks into the semester and I was shocked at how much weight she lost and she looked like hell. She recovered after a couple of weeks, but man that threw me for a loop. No “Freshman 15” going on there.
Ours started preschool in the second half of January and has already brought home 2 colds and covid. Now he has some mystery virus that has given him fevers on and off for a week and such bad body aches that he wakes up crying 1,000,000 times every night. I can't decide if I feel worse for him or for myself at this point, but it's hard not to resent my husband since between the hours of 9pm and 8am I am the ONLY person our kid will accept. My husband has been sleeping alone and getting better sleep than usual while I've been experiencing sleep torture that certainly violates the Geneva Conventions.
I just want a fuckin’ break. He got the sniffles and snorts at first, which we expected. the first weekend, I got the worst stomach flu I’ve ever had, fever of 102°F and expelling all liquid from my body. Then his sinuses get worse and his eyes are snotty and crusty. Doctor says it’s possibly an infection after RSV, so he’s on amoxicillin now. Then my wife gets a sinus infection. Then I get a sinus infection. Hers turns into the stomach flu. Mine is a day of full laryngitis with no voice, and now an ear infection. The the wife gets the snotty and crusty eyes. It’s been three weeks of misery and various antibiotics. Our doctor must love us.
Woof. I work with his doctor so she just gets texts from me periodically saying "this is horrible but normal, right?" She's done 2 quick front porch check ins for us, too - one to listen to his rattly ass lungs towards the end of covid, and once to look at his ears to confirm that he did, in fact, have a raging ear infection after rolling around all night saying things like "mama my ear hurts" and "mama I just don't want to hurt anymore." At least I start the chart notes and bill the visits for her.
half marathon this Saturday. Storms are a given at this point. The unknown is if we will experience lightning and/or hail. Race directors aren't very keen on calling off races, so I'm guessing my dumbass is about to do something dangerous!
I worked in healthcare for 25 years of my adult life starting at age 19. Same for my wife. We’d been exposed to shit constantly over those years. ( We worked things out so our boys were never in daycare though, so we never dealt with the joys you guys speak of. ) So when I went to work as a school bus driver, I thought, “Those little shits can’t expose me to anything worse than I’ve already been.” Cue the sad trombone. I was fucking sick constantly to the point that my immune system was depleted. The first time the NP I saw wanted to take me out of work for a week or so to rest and I said no, she went along with it. I was new and didn’t want to miss work. At the follow up, when I was feeling even worse, she didn’t offer me a choice. Thankfully it was Spring Break. Those snot-nosed little fuckers are walking Petri dishes. It got easier, and I assure you it will for you guys as well. Or they’ll be grown and out of the house, one or the other.
20 years in preschool admin here. My immune system is like a brick shithouse. The last time I was truly sick was when I got covid a few years back, and I can't remember when before that. It takes a while to build your immune system to "radioactive children" levels, but once you do, it's essentially a superpower. Downside is, if anything gets past those defenses -- such as covid, in my case -- it will absolutely rock your world.