Too me stripping out the gender in situations where it’s appropriate just takes some of the humanity out of it I guess? I get why gays used it originally as it was out of the norm but those relationships are normal now so I sort of cringe when they say that instead of boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. Partner doesn’t, to me at least, come off as a descriptor of a committed relationship (even if the relationship is). I think partners I think business partners, a transactional relationship between two parties of mutual benefit. Not a word that conjures up committed romantic relationships. Not telling anyone what to do just kind of mildly irks me. Not super passionate about it. My dad’s cousin has been in a long term relationship with a woman for like 40 years. Not married, not living together, just being dating for decades. He doesn’t plan on leaving anything to her. We just refer to her by her name. No signifiers of a relationship.
Because they’re lazy and/or cheap. “I have to get my car home, or Charlie Sheen and DB Sweeney will steal it!!!” We always had simple solution if we didn’t have cab money downtown: walk home, all the way across the fucking city, while drunk, the end. It’s better than killing/being killed.
My guess is just laziness with the logistics. High level business executives or the super wealthy upper crust may have round clock drivers. Otherwise you are calling a service and waiting. My brother had a free driver through his work when he lived in China and still took taxis everywhere because you could flag one down immediately (and were super cheap anyway). If you live outside a city rides to and from can expect long Uber wait times. Not making excuses people are just so lazy.
That level of cash you can call a private helicopter company at any time to come and get you. With hookers in it. I do not fucking get it.
As long as people don't use the term wife in the first person or husband in the first person, I'm cool with partner. I used to know a guy whose wife used to call him Husband all of the time and it irritated the shit out of me. It wasn't in a cutesy way, it was in that Utah Cult sort of way. Super creepy.
Maybe he was with some ho he needed to hide from his wife, Jessica Biel and he couldn't trust the driver or helicopter pilot to not say anything. Also, how terrible was the Director for Powder Blue? That cast was: Jessica Biel Eddie Redmayne Ray Liotta Forest Whitaker Lisa Kudrow Patrick Swayze Kris Kristofferson and, on top of that, Jessica Biel is super hot and super naked as a stripper. And, it still got terrible reviews and performed poorly at the box office.
It indeed has all of that. And it’s just a completely miserable experience as a film with miserable characters in it.
We don't know what his BAC was. Maybe he had 2.glasses of wine at dinner and blew a .09 which is very easy to do. Or, he's a raging boozer and blew a .35 and drives drunk all the time.
He probably only had a couple or three drinks, or had a series of drinks over a long time period and felt "okay to drive." That's how it happened to me; the times that I was REALLY fucked up, they never caught me.
Anyone can have a lapse of reason or just make a mistake. I am more disturbed that the story has the police outside waiting for him to get in his car and leave.
He didn't agree to a breathalyzer test, so he didn't blow a .09. It's odd - one part of a story I saw said the cop that pulled him over was young, had no idea who he was, and didn't recognize his name.
Speaking of expectorations this young lady has been gaining a lot of internet infamy in the last 24 hours:
You have to give people a path to redemption. What y'all think? Video of her jumping, topless, on a trampoline? All will be forgiven?