Our main living space is upstairs. The garden and ducks are downstairs in the side yard. The end of the deck meets the edge of the garden area, but from an elevated point. I stand over there at the end of the deck and rain food scraps on them. I really try not to hit them with watermelon rinds though. A 1lb rind at velocity would probably crush my small ducks. I do miss a lot and end up with half a PB&J in the tomatoes, to the anger of the ducks. The ducks will eat as much as they can nibble off. Any bit of pink gets eaten. I use their area as my compost area so any food scraps not eaten get turned over and disappear pretty fast.
I've been firing overripe and oversized cucumbers across the road to our chickens the past week or two. With good elevation, they explode on impact and the chickens flock to them. Fortunately they look for danger from the air by instinct, so I haven't killed any with an incoming round yet.
The ducks loved the over sized cucumbers last year. Id step on them to pop them and toss them over. Ducks can nibble but can't peck or scratch like chickens, so I have to help them a bit with certain food.
I’ve stayed away from feeding our chickens the garden scraps so they don’t associate the garden with a food source. I have given them some of the mushrooms I find at our place which they love.
Haha, welp. Got locked out of the work truck with my 4 year old and a cart full of groceries including frozen food. Someone save me.from myself.
$75? I remember paying that much in 1986 to open my locked auto in San Francisco. It did not sound that expensive to me.
And now people will open your car for free in 2024. They'll also help themselves to whatever you may have left in there.
Been meaning to get it again, kept forgetting. I actually didn't know AAA covered lockouts until my neighbor and now you tell me. Live and learn I suppose.
Just FYI, I've had AAA at the same time as having the AAA-type service provided by Progressive Auto. AAA sucks. Instead of paying the AAA membership, just add the Roadside Assistance to your auto carrier. I had AAA for a long time. I found out I can get the hotel discount other ways and the roadside assistance is available other ways. Uhh, ymmv.
I think AAA can be finessed a little because it covers more the person rather than the vehicle. The auto policy addition might just be your insured vehicle. I'll have to see what would help me in another work vehicle incident.
IMHO, all the road side service is a waste of money. AAA or your insurance providers only offer it because it makes them money. I use to pay for road side service through my Ins Co. I think it was $12/month. After not using it for 3 years ($12 x 36 = $432) the math works better for me to just call a tow truck or locksmith.
I have that same argument regarding extended warranties. My feeling is if you put the cost of the warranty toward maintenance on the vehicle you will come out ahead and not break down on the highway.
I get it only for the RV / trailer towing. I had to use it once, and it paid for a 350km tow for me. Easily paid for itself for all the times I’ve had it as it saved me thousands of dollars in towing fees.