At least then we’d have something to show for it (see what I did there). This is a result of the “bomb cyclone “ that hit the northeast yesterday. Blew over buses and tractor trailers. Unfortunately those of us about an hour west of NY city also got heavy, wet snow, which took down trees, which took down power lines. It sucks that it hit when temps are below freezing but folks are dealing with it. Luckily my bar has heat, cable, electricity and sweet, sweet booze.
I’m going to pretend that I like people and go check on a few older neighbors. If they’re up for a bar trip we’re set.
So I just went over and checked on the old widower across the street. Probably around 80 years old. He’s got his generator hooked up, 25 gallons of gas on hand - and a female companion. They looked pretty cozy. I apologized for having them open the door and let the cold in and she chuckled and said “that’s okay it’ll warm up quickly “. This man is my idol.
A lot of old people in my neck of the woods grew up on farms without power. If they’re mobile, they’re probably better equipped than most to handle shit like that.
Back home in Idaho a few years back they put out a BOLO for a 78 year old woman. The temperature was in the teens, the wind was blowing and it was snowing. They were very concerned about this elderly woman who had wandered off. They found her the next day and she couldn't understand all the fuss. She got mad at her roommate and went for a long walk. When it was getting dark she fashioned herself a lean to, covered herself with some pine branches and had a good night's sleep. The next morning she went home. I admired the shit out of that old girl. "Fuck you, fuck this shit, I'm out of here" But it's cold and snowing! "Fuck the cold, fuck the snow and fuck you" And then spends the night in a homemade shelter and is actually pissed that people were worried about her ability to take care of herself.
I’ve wached people think they were going to starve to death because the banking machines shut down and POS wasn’t working. They had no food on hand and no hard cash to buy more. It was fucking hilarious.
Wednesday. Wednesday is now the target day for restoration of power to my area. At 11:30 pm. We’re expecting another storm that day. So now we’re looking at a week without power. I think I’m going to have to change the oil in the generator.
My situation is localized, and I have The means to just hop in the car and go rent a room somewhere. But I’m nothing if not prepared- I always have about a months worth of food, a couple of weeks of clean water, some gas, and a few hundred dollars on hand. Call me paranoid, but I’ll never be one of the people you described.
Bewildered's Husband: "Honey, why are you shouting 'You couldn't handle it!' at the computer screen?"
Her husband is a member in TiB - something with "penis" in the name. Besides, I know she's not going to post her boobs. But she did start this thread off right.