Even as a Cowboys fan, I actually like the Eagles, as in the team. I like their players, especially Hurts. I do not like their fans. As a general rule, I don't like Philly fans. I also don't like the vast majority of Cowboys fans. Actually both fanbases are filled with fucking pricks. Philly fans are just more violent pieces of shit, and Cowboys fans are just more braggadocious fucking idiots. I'm rooting for the Chiefs because I know a few genuinely nice Chiefs fans, and I've met very few nice Philly fans, though they do exist surprisingly. I also am rooting for chaos, and if the Philly loses, especially in a close game, I think there will be more rioting and chaos than if they win.
Oh my God. I love coffee and tea but caffeine pills might become a staple in my house. Just take a pill, zoom! Peppy in yo steppy. No bad breath or coffee shits. Caffeine pills for me, melatonin for the kiddo.
One time I bought NoDoze during a road trip. One pill is the strength of one cup of strong coffee, they say. I took two. I was scared of every other car and I had a headache that wanted to kill me, but I couldn’t close my eyes. Another time I bought a pack of NoDoze at a gas station, and when I opened it I realized one corner was already open and it had an extra pill. Didn’t take them, so I missed out on perhaps a life changing memory (or lack thereof)
Where’s the fun in that? The best part of my morning is taking my 9am greasy, caffeine shit while watching YouTube.
I tried NoDoze in college as a study aide, and paired it with a couple of cups of coffee. I fell asleep sitting up in my room at my desk. When I’m gonna sleep ain’t nothing stopping me.
I know people that would have been like, "Score!", and rolled those dice. I remember 20 year olds passing a bottle of pills around that one of them found on the side of the road. This was before you could enter the pill description into google and find out exactly what kind of pill it was. How we ever survived without the internet is a mystery to me. I didn't take one, this was before I got into drugs.
Yeah I remember drinking a large Starbucks on the way to class and stopped at a campus store for a 5 hour energy because the coffee wasn’t doing it. My face flushed red and I fell asleep in class 5 minutes in. Insomnia doesn’t give a fuck about caffeine. I fell and wrenched my back drunk at a football game once and asked every passerby on the way to a party after if they had any perks. I slapped 20 bucks in this hillbilly’s hand when he pulled a random pill straight lint covered from his pock. “Let me give you my number call me anytime you need anything!” Not sure what it was. I later had to be carried out of a bar when I passed out in a chair. It least dicey pills back in the day didn’t have fentanyl in them.
allow me to introduce you to my pre-run favorite (which I am currently enjoying right now). I also add some mushroom powder to the mix. You will get one violence exodus, and it will be glorious, brief, and clean. Then you will be prepared to conquer the day, and/or fight whomever comes at you.
Fucking hell. Just woke up from a bit of a nap and here it is 6pm and the Owl has yet to take off… still so much on-field bullshit going on. I bet I’m in bed before it’s done.
YOU are a Cowboys fan?! Jesus wept... The Cowboys are a team that I ALWAYS root against, regardless of who they are playing; I don't pay attention to sports, but I hate the Cowboys, just like I hate the Yankees and the Lakers. I am rooting for Philly, just because I want to watch videos of Eagles fans doing stupid shit on Monday. In other news, I can finally relax this weekend; I just finished a shift/ valve-body kit on a co-worker's Tahoe. I always get really anxious when I'm working on a customer's car at my house. Spoiler: Car stuff He was complaining about a 2-3 shift flare, and I installed some oversized shift valves, bigger boost valve, enlarged some holes in the spacer plate, blocked the 3-2 downshift valves, eliminated the 4th gear accumulator, and cranked up the overall pressure on the pressure control solenoid. I vacuum tested all of the appropriate hydraulic circuits, and made some real improvements. Did y'all know that apparently I'm the ONLY guy in my area that vacuum tests valvebodies? I called around to all of the biggest transmission shops in my area, and nobody does it. The transmission shifts like a fucking dream now, and the line pressures are amazing (this thing had below minimum line pressure when I got it.)
I picked up some subs for the game, one of which was an Italian sub. We are just eating it now and there’s fucking MAYONNAISE on my goddam Italian sub. This didn’t exist until maybe 10 years ago when workers started asking if I wanted it on the sub. Italian subs do not have fucking mayonnaise. I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Preach. Sub sandwiches are in my normal rotation. It's always the same ingredients, and it sure as shit has oil and red wine vinegar, plus oregano seasoning. It's an upscaled ingredient version of my mom's sub sandwiches, which was a copycat of her and my dad's favorite Italian sub from a place called Atilio's in New Jersey. Now I gotta see if that place is still around. Probably not. That was in the late 70s.
Plain mayonnaise as a spread doesn't belong on on any sandwich, period. I have some sympathy for spreads that use mayo as a base, especially spicy ones. But plain mayo makes every sandwich worse. Also, is it me or are all the commercials atrocious so far? They have zero creativity, just, "look at this celebrity!" Fortunately, the football is good.
Yeah the commercials have just been lame celebrity endorsements and pseudo-nostalgia references no one cares about.