I think it's astonishing that any teen star is anything other than a complete lunatic. The mental maturity and decision-making of a teenager while surrounded by hangers-on and yes-men, with money/fame are being shoveled at you from every direction, your entire existence is sexualized, and you have zero privacy? Even if they didn't have actively malicious people abusing them, how can any of them possibly form a reasonable mental model of how the world works, or develop social skills, or life skills?
It really does suck for SO MANY of them. Frankie Muniz did it right. He got out with his money and his sanity before it was too late.
“You park an RV in the Grand Canyon it still looks SMALL.” -Taemond Schritter There is a THOUSAND versions of that insult, and everyone stakes claim to it.
Hard to say nature or nurture at this poin but the episodic frequency makes me think it has to be more than just a normal person under pressure that many other top celebrities deal with. The few people I know that have legit bipolar disorder follow the same pattern. They are forced or adhere to medication for a while, stop taking it, slip into an episode and end up with social or legal consequences. Sad because it seems completely out of their control. I’m not sure I believe much of what she claimed about her conservatorship either given how many mental illnesses include exaggerating reality, lying, and persecution complexes. I’m guessing it probably did more good than harm realistically. Some argue mentally ill should be free to live their life outside of these controls regardless. Then you get situations where politicians claim for decades the homeless problem is unwed mothers couch surfing and then have to turn around and set up forced medication courts because the homeless addicts have become an embarrassment. We certainly don’t deal with mental illness well on any level in this country.
I'm just going on the fact that she became humanity's default for "I want to stick my dick in that" at the age of 17, and then had paparazzi trying to snap photos of her cooter for the next two decades. I'd take a swing at a photographer too.
Pretty sure her and Paris Hilton were angling their cooters towards the cameras. Ignoring the other mental illness crisis in America, narcissism. I see articles where people try to explain away her behavior. SHES REGAINING HER WOMANHOOD AND LIVING HER BEST LIFE POSTING NUDE SHOTS OF HER PUSSY. I really think it does her and mental health a disservice by rationalizing her behavior.
For the record, Chris Hansen, I did not want to stick my dick in that until she was past 18 - like I'm A Slave 4 U era, when I think she was 20. ETA: Wait Slave 4 U is a terrible song. I meant Toxic. (I think she was 22 or 23 then.)
Oh yeah, I love Toxic. I also love this, which is from the era where she was apparently too fucked up to make an actual live person music video. I will dance reaaaaaal weird to that song.
See I was 14 when she hit it big so I’m grandfathered in to her …One More Time era. I was more than a little disappointed Instagram forced her to put digital pasties over her naughty bits. Teenage ultimate fantasy dashed. Tell you who I’m really surprised made it through the same shit is Pamela Anderson. I watched her doc and she came off as very level headed for the twist and turns in her life. She apparently still has the worst taste in men in the universe though. I was surprised how she’s decided to go the age gracefully route. Made her seem much more down to earth and sane. A lot of female celebrities whose careers were based off their looks go off the deep end with plastic surgery and fuck it all up. Madonna looks like she stepped out of the UFO wreckage.
I can fix her. I’ll even overlook the fact that her pussy was pulverized by record label executives and music agents over 20 years.
I like to think that, according to the notches in the limbs pointed out below, that this guy isn't the first one to thread this particular needle.
I'm only a year older than her. It has never been inappropriate for me to want to pin her legs behind her head and go to town. And I really never stopped wanting to... ever.
Nothing wrong with that. And there will never BE anything wrong with that. Desiring to fuck AAA prime is to be human. And I salute you, along with many others.
Had no idea this song existed. It's a great club number! I'm surprised I've never heard it before. Celebrity is changing too. It's now the #1 career ambition in North America and western Europe (youtuber/streamer). It's worse than ever because the kind of parasocial relationships it builds are toxic as fuuuuuuuuuuuuu. The barriers between stardom and "the public" are essentially gone and the access is having really fucking weird consequences.
The whole streamer and parasocial relationship thing is a whole ball of wax that makes me sad, cringe, and eyeroll all at the same time. I feel it's just one more breakdown of real human relationships and community. The soap opera level drama ginned up for content is ridiculous. I used to be fairly active on Facebook. I posted pictures, talked to acquaintances, had groups I interacted with. Never made a jump to IG or anything else and slowly faded off it about 4-5 years ago when I realized that Facebook was basically a zoo for people and no one actually wanted to connect on a real basis (which I was trying to use FB as a tool to do so, and it was not reciprocated, and I just started feeling empty and depressed about the whole thing). Now I have an account still since I can't get in touch with a few specific people any other way, but I would love to drop it entirely. Totally unrelated. Has anyone heard of the rabbit test for human pregnancy? What a fuckin trip to read about. It came up in conversation with my mom who is almost 70. Since the advent of modern testing it has fallen from jargon, but apparently "the rabbit died" was a euphemism for a positive pregnancy test. In reality, all the rabbits died. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_test
I think about it every time I hear "Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith. . . . in case you heard it all these years and didn't realize what he meant.
That's a song I know, but not all the lyrics memorized. But, that line totally did go over my head until now.
Sure - when I was growing up we used the term “the rabbit died” to describe someone finding out they were pregnant, or joking about the rabbit dying if you were afraid you had gotten a girl pregnant. It was fairly common. And I remember worrying about that when I was 20 and my girlfriends period was late. Terrifying at the time.
I got into facebook groups a few years ago over the constant sniping my feed had with my “friends.” Was and can be very informative on a range of my hobbies. The groups aren’t all created equal. Mushroom foraging groups super informative and friendly, mushroom growing filled with skeezy drug dealers all about call outs and drama. Hunting groups same thing all about sniping and shit talking when someone doesn’t know every single norm on the subject.