Would this go well with rum? Someone here should try it out. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/14/business/pepsi-peeps-return-date/index.html
Hobby oriented groups are one of the few reasons I keep a Facebook account anymore. Very fun and educational.
Same. There's a couple of very niche beer/beer accessory groups that I'm in that don't have any other presence than Facebook. Other than those, I almost never post and 90% of my feed is suggested posts at this point. Even if one of my "friends" did something, I doubt I'd even see it.
I trust in the Pepsi corporation to develop a sugarless chemical flavor profile that approximates Peeps and is just as damaging to my endocrine system as the actual treat madam. Good day. I’m a Coke fan through and through but Pepsi’s zero sugar Mango is my jam these days.
Had a friend bring over the Pepsi mango but it wasn't the sugar free. I tried it. It was.... Weird. Have you tried both to compare? I don't even know why I'm asking. I don't drink soda. Guess I'm curious.
Speaking of soda. Have you seen how much a 12 pack of coke costs? It’s like $8 here. I can’t imagine what it is in a high cost of living area.
No I haven’t. Typically though you taste the difference and I’ve always thought sugar, corn syrup, felt smoother than artificial and real sugar is smoother feeling than corn syrup. I stopped drink sugar soda in high school when I started working at a restaurant and saw how fast I could put on weight with it. I drink an inordinate amount of zero sugar soda. I don’t particularly buy the line that sugar free can make you gain weight like regular soda. I’d be a balloon and I keep weight off by watching my full diet with it. Never tried losing weight and stopping sugar free soda but I’d think it be marginal at best given I’m not really that overweight. Yeah I always wait until it goes on sale. Historically $2.50 was the best deal. That raised to $3 a while before the pandemic. Since then the best I’ve seen, much less frequently, is $3.88. I stack them deep when they go on sale. Kroger is ridiculous because they will keep the blaze red “sale!” sign up even when it is full price. Yeah they are technically ‘selling, them in the course of general commerce but you ain’t fooling anyone that it is marked down.
I didn't want to clog up the Dead Pool thread but the Raquel Welch talk made me think of other hot chicks from my younger years. Recently I watched some lame "best SB commercials" show that was on and they played the Cindy Crawford Pepsi commercial from 1992 so I was 15 and in prime spanking it age. (I tried to find a good pic but apparently she recreated it not long ago and that's what Google is pulling up) One of the hottest women ever IMO
After watching the Pamela Anderson doc I tried watching Barb Wire. Didnt make it far in because I was tired but the genius director decided to have the very first scene of the movie include her striping on stage while getting a terrential downpour of water poured on her. I had forgotten how scorchingly hot she was. Not to bring down a good 90s hottie conversation but man what a fucking bummer about Bruce Willis. Frontal lobe dementia, goddamn poor dude.