Must've called him fat and gay. I don't really give it that much thought. I just always assumed that some people face biological traits that point them toward obesity and some people are just lazy fucks; and, some people are naturally attracted to the same sex, while others choose that attraction because of failed relationships, life trauma, rebellion or whatever. Light is a particle AND a wave.
I asked my doctor who works at Northwestern Memorial (one of the top hospitals in the country, tied to Northwestern University) about obesity by choice and obesity by medication/genetics etc. He said "It is a known and document fact that only 10% of obese people are that way because of factors they can't control. Everyone else needs to change life styles." So that means 90% of them can be mocked.
Being fat is a bad thing: it's unhealthy, unattractive (for cultural and genetic reasons, I suppose), and in our culture it's becoming a sign of poverty or poor education (or am I the only one who noticed there are no obese people running for office these days?). Being gay? Not a damned thing wrong with it. So...knock that shit off, mkay? Also, people are fat/skinny/healthy for different reasons. I hate this idea that there is The One Hallowed Path to Six-Pack abs or "If you want to lose weight all you have to do is..." or whatever physical goal you have. There is no single cause for being fat, it could be diet, genetics, lifestyle, or a combination of those things. Which would also imply there is no single solution for being fat: some people can eat whatever and still be thin, some people can glance at a cake and watch stretch marks appear on their ass. Sure, things like bootcamp or P90X offer a solution that works for most people, at least while you do it, but those are extreme, dangerous for people who are too far gone, and too often temporary. I think fitness is in a lot of ways a personal journey. You have to know what exercises your body is good for and what is a waste of your time. For example, I can deadlift and squat for days, but I despise lunges. I prefer stairs or ladder-climbing to running every day of the week. But if you are corpulent, the advice is too simple. Instead of finding a exercise/diet routine that helps you feel better, more energy and puts you on the long-term path to health, most people just do what they are told skinny/healthy people do instead of spending the time to learn what works for their individual set of circumstances.
Yes, true for the most part. The people who know they get fat by looking at cake can always make the decision not to go near it, though. If you don't buy something, you probably won't eat it. Something that is interesting to me is the addictive power sugar has over some people. Some people can have a bit of sugar and stop there, some get intense cravings as soon as they touch it. The people who get set off by touching it are the ones who need to avoid it. I know that when I avoid sugar, I lose all cravings for it within a week. For the others, it is simply an issue of discipline. The only time when things can get hairy is when trying to balance input and output during fitness. If you're eating extremely clean, it can be tough to get enough calories in if you are active. My guess is that this isn't an issue for most people on this forum though...
It completely is. I've been working out pretty seriously for probably 6-7 years. I was the exact opposite of this discussion though, I was underweight for much of my life. For years I worked out how I saw other people, and ate in a way that didn't hurt me, but had me mostly treading water. It wasn't until I started actively paying attention to what brought results and becoming increasingly interested in what I eat. In the last 2 years, I saw more progress than before and it was rewarding. I eat healthy, but unless I'm vocal about or you live with me, you wouldn't notice a huge abnormality to me and others. My point is, too many people give up easy or accept that "I'm just not gonna have a body like that." Walking on a treadmill and eating Healthy Choice frozen dinners may stop you from getting obese, but its not gonna make you slim and trim. But too many people do that routine, and just accept the results are what they are. Like anything in life, you need to experiment to figure out what is going to make you happiest/work the best. I'm not gonna make fun a fat person I see sweating all over a machine at the gym or that I run into a Trader Joes. But I will mock the wheezing beast taking up two seats on the train, holding a fast food bag, and wearing sweatpants. They're not in bumfuck South Dakota where they have no exposure to healthy habits and everything about them implies a lack of fucks given.
When I'm mocking strangers, I don't have time to get into the details. I can accept 90% accuracy and the minority that has a glandular problem can suck it up. As far as the gheys, they are polite, clean, and overall more pleasant than the average obese person. I feel bad for the fat gays, though. Chik Fila is like the forbidden fruit.
So fat people need to keep working at being thin until they find something that works for them. How many gay people have made a similar "don't give up" effort to be straight. I mean, maybe if they really work at it, they can get over the psychological hurdle. Just to be fair, what about all you straight folks out there. Guys, how much dick have you really tried to be sure that you can't improve your lifestyle by swinging the other way? If you tried and it didn't take, are you sure you tried hard enough? Have you ever even tried it? You might like it. Maybe not having to worry about pregnancy and leaving the seat up will be a massive improvement in your life. While 90% of fat people may be biologically able to be thin, effectively 100% of you are biologically capable of sexual relations with any other human.
Apples and oranges. Being overweight is a health problem, and people making an effort to change will improve their health. Many of them do in fact make an effort and just go about doing it the wrong way. Are you trying to imply that being gay would make straight people healthier? I'm pretty sure that it would just make them eat more brunches...
Think of all the social ills that could be cured by reducing unwanted pregnancies! How many baby-mamas and baby-daddies have had their lives derailed by a surprise kid. Plus then you've got the kid to worry about both at an individual and social level. If you really believe being fat is a choice for 90% of people, who would actually make that choice? There is obviously a serious psychological, if not biological, barrier to people changing their behavior. They have a strong predilection toward one set of behaviors and an aversion to another. Same thing with sexual orientation. It's a psychological set of predilections and aversions. Yet trying to get someone to change these, or the resultant behaviors, is considered "brainwashing" and cruel.
C'mon, it's just like asking a fat person to eat cottage cheese. Sure they're not going to like it at first, but eventually they'll get used to it and maybe even learn to like it. If it's still a problem we now have pills that can help you get things going.
Let me see if I have your argument right, though I'm inclined to believe you're trolling given the lack of logic behind it. Due to the fact that some people have kids by mistake, we should tell more people to try to become gay, even though their natural inclination is to be straight, and let fat people be fat, because even though they aren't necessarily happy like that they became that way over time? And yes, I realize that some people are content being overweight, but they are in the minority (and frankly, they should be). Why not strive for optimum health if you only need to make a series of small changes in your life? Why sacrifice longevity and quality of life? Instant gratification is fine on occasion, but if you ask someone, "Would you rather have this cheeseburger or look the way you want?", you'd be more inclined to get them seeing the right way. Most people do not have genetic conditions that prevent them from being healthy. They either lack the discipline or the knowledge to lose the weight. They can make the choice to improve their health. Once again, apples and oranges. Would you care to bring more detail into your analysis of the situation? I think it's pretty clear that most people, myself included, don't know where you're coming from...
I just want to point out that people in this thread and in life in general use "healthy" with "normal BMI" interchangeably. They are not the same. You can eat serious shit, harm your body through hard drugs and alcohol abuse, live in highly polluted areas, etc, but as long as you are at a certain calorie level, you will maintain a certain weight. Weight is just one indication among many of your level of health. Carry on.
BMI is retarded. Anyone who's ever touched a weight to do some lifting will be above their normal BMI.
I think we need to focus on the real issue here. People who are fat and gay. Does one choose to be a big gay fattie?
Trolling? Me? I just wonder why it's acceptable and even encouraged to be judgmental against fat people and not against straight people, when both suffer from the same condition: the inability to overcome a natural, psychological inclination preventing them from being a happier, healthier {thin, gay} person. Why not strive to minimize putting your lifestyle at risk from unplanned pregnancy by making a series of small changes in who you have sex with? OH GOD! YOU'VE DISCOVERED IT! IT'S THE KEY TO FIXING AMERICA'S OBESITY PROBLEM! IT'S JUST A MATTER OF ASKING THIS ONE SIMPLE QUESTION! HOLY SHIT, WHAT'S YOUR ADDRESS? I HAVE TO START FILLING OUT THE NOBEL PRIZE PAPERWORK! (If the above statement isn't sufficient evidence to demonstrate you really have no empathic insight into why fat people are fat, I don't know what would be). Unplanned pregnancies occur only because heterosexuals lack the discipline or the knowledge to just start having sex with other people of the same sex. They can make the choice to reduce their risk. Apples and apples.
We can quibble about the fucked up BMI scale, but you are solidifying my statement anyway. Weight can be high and healthy, weight can be "normal" and unhealthy. BMI is a good starting point to figuring out what is normal, but it is not gospel.