ass feathering I like how the animation depicting that the dude already had it on is of him lying face down with her pulling off his pants from behind. Does that thing have a port for butt stuff? And does it protect you from Ebola?
It's the type of shit the Japanese come up with because they think that straight-up fucking is boring for some reason. Congrats, you came up with solutions to problems that never existed. Like over-the-head sunglasses, those lasted.
Ebola in Dallas? Well that explains how I earned my red wings despite eating out Shimmered's asshole.
Did you guys know that October is Dwarfism Awareness Month? I feel like this should be the theme to the weekend drunk thread.
That even the shortest month can briefly grow in a way they'll never be able too? Unless you count dwarf boners, I suppose. … I just went to an awkward place.
I dont feel like this needs to be in the R&R thread, cause its not so much personal, and more just humorous. Over-arching cousin is a dumbass. Said cousin is 26. almost 27, great guy, very intelligent, but has just made some really questionable decisions the last few years. As mentioned, very smart, got a masters from MIT in civil engineering and transportation management and had an internship with a global consulting firm working in London and Dublin on various public transportation efficiency projects and initiatives. Upon graduation, he had an offer from that firm in either New York or London, as well as two offers in Boston with consulting groups, and was talking to one of the CTA's lead collaborative agencies in Chicago...he took a public sector job in Milwaukee at the county level, largely, I believe, due to pressure from my horrible and overbearing Aunt who forced basically all of her children from more ambitious career paths so as not to allow them out of her web. Any of those other jobs would give him great future options, he could have come back home whenever, but now has likely narrowed his possibilities greatly. Began dating a girl who was similarly overbearing. Started acting like she was part of the extended family IMMEDIATELY from the first Christmas, has a worthless college degree and ceased thoughts of grad school as soon as she began dating my cousin, and is now content assistant managing a failing college bookstore (I don't know a single person that attends the school its affiliated with that has bought ANYTHING there). She's gotten a bit better, but is still a bit annoying and clearly couldn't wait to burrow into my fairly close extended family, but still being openly judgmental and rude at family gatherings after a glass of White Zin about topics she has no idea about. WELP, they got engaged yesterday. But here is the kicker. As I've mentioned, my Dad owns a company in the diamond business. Who is his de facto head of other cousin, who is said cousin's older brother. So two close connections who work with diamond dealers, jewelers, and the like on a daily basis...He got his ring from the friend of his now-fiancee at some small jewelery store in her hometown. Its "vintage"...not actually old or in the family, just vintage style (read ugly and tacky) with a trash quality diamond. My sisters are having a field day and I've been biting my lip with laughter all morning at the texts coming through. I know how some of the people here feel about diamonds and rings and whatnot, but clearly the choice was made to get a diamond ring in this case, and the result is awful. Its like buying a new car but avoiding your uncle/brother's car dealership and going to a used car lot and buying something with cosmetic damage in a model well below what you can afford. BUT DON'T WORRY, THE FRIEND HAS POSTED 4 DIFFERENT TIMES ON FACEBOOK ABOUT ITS BEAUTY. I cant wait to hear my Dad weigh on this...
Hey, don't blame me for intuitively skipping anything ghettoastronaut writes. I just figured it would be great to have President Obama deliver a stirring speech during Half/Black History month.