I believe an average joint is around 0.5 grams, for reference. So an 1/8th is about 7 joints and 20 ounces is like... a thousand?
National Rugby League Grand Final today. Two teams I loathe, one hasn't won for 43 years and the other are full of fuckwits. It sucks having to support either team. Did find a nice new beer though, Liberty Ale out of San Fran. Long weekend and tomorrow when we go for a kayak we're taking wallets and stopping at a pub.
I got to soon get my pond fish a new home; that or invest in a stock tank heater. Otherwise, they're going to be fishcicles. I own native fish, but even they can't survive frozen in a block of ice. Pond ain't deep enough to not freeze.
Can't you just add ethanol (or salt or anti-freeze or whatever) so the water won't freeze in the cold?
Sometimes its hard to tell when you're joking and when you're serious, I didn't put it by you to think adding anti freeze to a fish pond was a decent idea
It's calling trolling. He's trolling Canis in an attempt to get him to kill his fish. Awesome, right?
God damn do you people suck. Now a board member isn't going to kill his fish by adding anti-freeze to his pond. I hope you can sleep with that on your consciences.
Depending on how cold it gets, you might get away with an aerator... keeps the water from freezing over and helps oxygenate the water. They're pretty inexpensive.
Burgess smashes his cheek bone in the first 10 seconds of the game, and plays through the whole match.
Just starting in on the F1 race, and I've already heard that a bunch of crazy shit happened in it. So many unclicked links getting lots of action on various forums... the anticipation is killing me. This is the problem of not being able to just sit and watch TV any more... it's become normal to watch it in the background while surfing on the net. It's like walking through a mine field.
And won the Clive Churchill Medal for being man of the match. Congrats to the Bunnies I guess, I'm not a huge fan of theirs but it seems like wherever you go in Aus or NZ you always seem to run into Souths fans even if it isn't a strong rugby league area. Russell Crowe is probably very hung over right now.
As much as I don't like either team it can only be good for the game with the Wabbits winning. Fuck they've got some rough fans though. The majority of them are ultimate trailer trash.
Just ran across this, for those of you that were interested in Scotch taste profiles, etc. Found outside a bar in Glasgow.
Have you been to Southern Ireland then? Going next month for my husband's birthday and kind of at a loss as far as planning. I am usually really good at this.
This weekend I've been handed one shit sandwich after another. Nothing major. I guess they'd be more like shit sliders. But enough shit that I'm pretty sick of it. The coming week will also be stressful, but if I can get through it I have a three day weekend.