When did you interview? I followed up with every interview I had to send thank you notes. And if I didn't hear anything, I'd usually follow up with their HR department to inquire whether the position had been filled or not. HR is usually a good resource for probing questions like that.
I sent a handwritten thank you card in the mail a week after I interviewed. I was told that they would come to a decision in 4-6 weeks (government job). Tomorrow makes 5 weeks since I interviewed and I want to follow up again. Maybe I am not looking in the correct place, but I do not see contact info for their HR on the website. If I call I think I just speak with a general receptionist. Edit nevermind, I see an HR number here, though I think it is for the entire department, the head of which is not in this city.
If I interviewed someone and they emailed me, I wouldn't think twice about it. Regardless of how they did in the interview, it wouldn't be counted against them. Now if you have a known good email, don't send a follow up more than one. No response is indicative of one of three things. - You bombed the interview and they can't respond due to HR policy. - You did well, but can't respond due to pending background and drug screen in which case you'll hear from at least the HR rep. - They forgot about you which may flag someplace you don't want to work anyway. Send one and move on to other opportunities - yrmv. Ping the HR rep if you're feeling froggy. Its literally what they get paid to do.
And the problem is solved. In other news, fish are fine. Fed them today. Still can't get but two of them to eat anything but live food. One of them, a largemouth bass, now lives in the fish tank in my room. He comes racing to the top to beg for food when he's hungry. Also, probably going to invest in an aerator.
I would have no problem with a courteous email inquiring as to the status, as long as it was after a reasonable amount of time (which it is) and you weren't pestering them. As far as I'm concerned, interviewers owe it to the interviewees to reply with basic information like that, and any policy that forbids contact (unless there's a legal restraining order type situation involved), is fucking retarded. Common courtesy means you treat people with respect throughout the process, which includes the wrap up... you don't just ignore people who went out of their way to interview for you because they didn't get the job.
I have to think if the interviewer is enough of a jackass that a polite follow-up email about a job is counted as a negative, that person is probably going to be horrendous to work for and you're dodging a bullet.
I like the way you think and feel that most reasonable people share that line of thinking. My biggest concern with emailing the guy is that I had to actively search for his official email. It was not listed on the department's website. I think I did the right thing. Regardless, the email is sent. It is done. Now I get to wait (some more).
By "actively search for" she means she found him on Tindr and she's booked a seedy motel room for later.
I am currently a server. The government job includes some paid vacation and benefits, plus steady, guaranteed pay. Gimmie gimmie. Plus, it makes the 4.5 years I spent in college not a total waste of time. Score!
I'm more interested in the difference between the "Pinkey's Special" and the $6.00 BJ on the second page. I mean, they both ostensibly require the same number of employees. Is the operation of the goose quill really such specialized labor that it is worth five times as much money?