I think that the UC protests are motivated at least as much by the proposed up to 80% tuition hikes over the next four years (up to 16% per year for four years) that the UC regents are currently discussing as by Wall Street excess. The UC Davis Chancellor is clearly fighting for her political life after the pepper spraying - the Lieutenant Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, has publicly condemned the 'senseless violence' at UC Davis.
Rule 34 in action: Occupy My Throat Described as a homoerotic adventure through the tents of the Occupy oakland movement. HI-LARIOAS.
Sadly, when I was at a UC, I knew people who wanted to get pepper sprayed, tazed or arrested. That way they got the "real experience of being part of a movement"
99%: Your days are numbered, 1%ers!! We're tired of you fatcats getting richer!! Hey brb, we have to go spend 50 billion dollars because it's Black Friday. "Financials were among the biggest winners, with Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500), Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500), JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500) and Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) surging between 3% and 7%." -CNN Money
It's been made clear on this board that there's little inward reflection to be done by the protestors. Stupid credit cards, don't you know I'm frivolous!!
Wow. First I've heard of that... wow. I suppose if there's anyone qualified to speak for the downtrodden common man, it's a filthy rich teenage girl.
If <a class="postlink" href="http://occupywallst.org/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://occupywallst.org/</a> mocks the video instead of embracing it I'm grabbing some cardboard and joining the 99%
Adam Carolla puts this whole stupidity into very simple terms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=cJD8pZiRIzs not sure why the youtube tags aren't working...
...and completely misses the point. Every one of these self righteous rants about hard work (and they're all the same), relies on the same faulty premise: that the "winners" in our current system won so legitimately. Some of them did, but many of them did not. They achieved what they did unfairly. And I'm not talking about some "oh they had better access to educational opportunities" type unfairness, I'm talking about they committed felonies, they stole, they committed widespread fraud, they did things that aren't even supposed to be possible in a free market. This isn't about "I want my trophy even though I lost" it's about "that fucker took a baseball bat to my knee before the race even started and you're giving him the MVP? What the fuck?"
The movement is dying. How many months in are we now and we still don't see any centralized leadership, and at best marginal political support? Sorry protesters, the 1 percenters win again. They might have had a real chance at creating change, but no one stepped up to the plate and took the swings. No one stalled out the right businesses, no one disrupted the flow of commerce. Sadly, the Republican pundits taking quotes out of context and only acknowledging the dumbest people in the movement had a profound affect on Americans watching from the sidelines.
Spoiler I think Kampf is right: the movement will fizzle out if it's not given attention. If they are clubbing protesters, they get attention and the protesters get renewed strength. Plus, it's hard to bitch against capitalism during Christmas season. However, we'll see how things go. It's far from over, because they haven't been accounted for, politically.
If you really want to know why it fizzled out, take a look at the last line of that flier you posted. It's the "Fuck da Po-lice" attitude that lost the movement much of its support.
Exactly. The Occupy movement is now fighting with the police over what they can "occupy" instead of doing anything at all that might change something. As long as they are constantly distracted by the issue of where they're allowed to be, they are impotent. I'll state it again: Their fight is in Congress, and until they accept that fact and focus their energy there, they will remain powerless. Marching on Washington to have a confrontation with DC police will only make them look like assholes and score another certain victory for police.
You have to have the link with the ?v= tag right after the watch, like this: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJD8pZiRIzs" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJD8pZiRIzs</a> Youtube has changed their URL formats and the forum software doesn't deal well (or at all) with it.
Really? Is that what it's about? Because the biggest problem with the whole Occupy thing is that it's about everything. And nothing. There is no "message" coming out of it other than "shit's broken", and a lot of whining. There is no consolidated message, or point... it's about people getting together and having a pity circle jerk. It will accomplish nothing, other than give some people a temporary spotlight and sense of accomplishment for "doing their part" to fix "the problem", and it will hit the main stream media for a bit, and that is all. This is no way to actually get shit done. If you want to get shit done, you focus on a tangible problem, and deal with it at a strategic and tactical level. And I agree with a lot of what Carolla says.