Yep we are all locked up. Here are the final players to round out the league. 1.Popped Cherries 2. Flat_Rate 3. Jimmy James 4. Parker 5. Hooisermess 6. Zyron 7. iczorro 8. Justinarelost 9. MoreCowbell 10. Ssycko 11. Nom Chompsky 12. FreeCorps
Everyone should post their team name. Mine is - Unicorns and Show Ponies. 30 character limit won't let me fit in "Where's the beef?!?"
Ah, looks like this is going to be the first year I miss this. Did not catch this thread on time (away on vacation). If a spot opens up, let me know. I came in 2nd in 2012 to Parker. I need revenge.
It would have been really nice to have taken your money as well Kojak. I'm sure we can kick MoreCowbell out and give Kojak a spot am I right? He's the reason we're all here. He needs a year off anyway.
I have a question to ask league wide regarding adding more teams. Two people who played last year missed out on filling the spots this year. They both have expressed interest in playing again this year. We have the ability to up the team total from 12 to 14 which would then turn the payouts to: $840 total prize pool $500 First Place $200 Second Place $60 Third Place $60 Highest Regular Season Scorer $20 Trophy With that said, the available player pool is highly diluted once you get past 12 teams. I'll put out the vote amongst the people who are locked in whether you want to include another 2 teams. 9/12 yes votes and we will amend the league to 14 teams. Send your vote through PM, so if the vote fails, we don't have any issues.
My memory isn't the greatest, but I'm pretty sure we did that once already in one of the previous seasons. Just two extra players makes the game much deeper. I'm fine with not growing the group; but if somebody slips up, I'm game.
That was a deep draft. Now can we also have everyone sign a contract not to get fleeced in trades? That would be awesome.
I vote yes. With an Auction draft, getting the players you want is all on your level of desire, rather than luck of the draw. Plus, it forces people to actually know what's going on in the mid level players if they want to win.
I voted yes too by the way. I want my vote to be public. Plus $500 for a 1st place pot just feels better as a number.
Don't worry about it. I'll take out the winner next season. I'm looking forward to reading the shit talking.