Everybody poops, ya'll. I've been surprised with it and enjoyed it, yet was concerned with the cleanliness of the operation. I am aware of the leather cheerio's primary function, this prevents me from really looking for someone to tongue it. Kissing after that is a bit scary as well. I won't give it. Can't do it, gents. Sorry.
I'm with Nom on this one: that is strictly girlfriend territory. And only on special occasions, like Ramadan or whatever. Also, I'd rather not be on the receiving end, because I could never trust any woman who would. Start at the 2:50 mark for some timeless wisdom on this esteemed subject:
I'm lazy when it comes to checking sources. I meant downndirty. I just saw a black dude in an avatar and ran with it.
As far as giving, absolutely. As far as receiving, I actually feel the opposite--I'm a lot less likely to try to get a girl to do it to me if I actually respect her. I think with a girl I actually like I'm worried she'll freak out and cut me off from all sexual activity if I ask her to toss the old salad, whereas a gutter skank a) is more likely to agree to my request; b) is less likely to freak out even if she doesn't; and c) if she does freak out and not want to fuck me at all, who cares? Don't get me wrong, if a girl I'm dating offers to do it I won't turn her down (again, assuming I'm freshly showered etc etc)--but unless she's a total freak show I'm unlikely to request it.
I tried it exactly one time to do it. It is as hard as you imagine. The balls are a particularly hard obstacle to navigate with a mutli blade razor. I also saw my booty hole from a lot of odd and ultimately scary angles. This has shaped my opinion that it can never be attractive in any ass licking capacity. The other terrible result was the stubble burn that made my life a living hell for a week or so.
I love giving. Seriously. Hair and all, I just like sticking my tongue in an asscrack and swirling it all around, probing gently with the very tip of my tongue until I feel a circular, wrinkly area and then he moans and clenches his cheeks around my nose and face... Ahem. So, I am of the opinion that a blowjob is incomplete without ball action. I started noticing that most dudes won't directly ask for you to lick their balls, but they sure as fuck appreciate it when you do. So I started just making it a regular part of blowjobbing. Then, I noticed that the taint is like right there...what if the same concept applied? Bingo. Even if they weren't super big fans of taint licking, not a single dude has said "No, that feels awful. Please stop." So then that became a regular part of blowjobbing. But then the asshole is literally just centimeters away.........what if...? Oh, yes. Eating asshole while simultaneously jerking someone off is like the Holy Grail of orgasms for some men (or, alternatively, eating ass and then when he's really close you lick your way back up into blowjobbing but leave a finger in place of your tongue, and he can grind his way into inserting it or just keep there and rub gently...? I believe that was the biggest load of semen I'd ever seen). I mean, they LOVE IT. I think it's difficult for a lot of men to a)realize it's something they're into, probably because b)they can't just ask to try it out without a lot of perceived judgement and stigma attached. Even if you're hairy, even if you're sweaty, even if you're paranoid about dingleberries, you still deserve to try this. Lots of women really don't care about the former two (really!) and you control the appearance of the latter. Obviously, I enjoy it when the favor is returned. It's not my "thing," per se, but it doesn't feel bad.
I like having a girl's butt in my face. You know what they say: "If the machine is clean..." It's not something I would do to just any girl, but I do try to work it into my routine. But I won't recieve. Sorry, I'm a straight guy, and nothing comes near my butthole. I've been with a couple of girls who started working their way south while giving a blowjob, and I stopped them right there. It's not as hard as you think; imagine having one leg propped up on the sink while you are standing. I do this about once a month to keep things sanitary; I have a specific razor I use for this. I'm very anal about my anus. You can also get it waxed at a salon; I know several women who would do this, but I'm not going to do that.
I am anal about the anus. Even to have butt sex, certain cleanliness precautions must be taken. I'm neurotic about it, and when it comes to eating ass even more so. I've received and it just felt sloppy and wet and awkward and generally uncomfortable. I've also given, but not enjoyed it. Every time it comes up now I have a flashback to an ex laying flat on his back in bed with his knees around his ears begging me to lick his ass. It was not a sexy scene, if it were something I saw in a movie I'd die laughing. If it were something someone I was with was REALLY into, I'd do it occasionally, but it'd be pure obligation on my part and I have a general rule for avoiding obligatory sex acts you don't actually enjoy.
I have a friend who works at a salon and does this for a living. Other waxing on occasion but she says the butt-hole is included in pretty much all of her sessions. Apparently it's a big thing for old men...I mean 50+ old...but no young men go for it. Have baby boomer gents always been into hairless ass holes? Did they just get to an age where they stopped caring what other people thought and like the way it feels? Would I like the way it feels? Who is brave enough to ask their father/grand father if this is a thing? In other news - anyone ever been to one of 'The Bodies' exhibits? All the human models are Asian, and almost hairles...EXCEPT for their butt holes. Seriously, every dead, plasticized body and a hairy hole even if they shaved the rest. Cultural stigma? I don't know. Tried it (giving and receiving). Not really my thing but I don't typically turn down any change of pace.
Opie & Anthony had someone who worked on that exhibit on their show once, and asked the same question. Apparently it's a logistics issue - remove that and it's a lot harder to keep the rest together, or something. As to the topic, I'm eager to give but I'm not into receiving. And like my fellow perverts, it's for girlfriends only. Cleanliness is key.
I remember always wanting to, even going back to high school, but I never did until my early 20's with a girlfriend. It was completely new to both of us, and good god it was awesome. For the rest of our relationship, my face/tongue ended up between her cheeks over half the times we had sex. I don't do it with every girl, but if she has a nice ass, it's only a matter of time. The worst response I've got was impartiality, most at least enjoyed it, and a couple (especially that first girlfriend) seemed to go into a trance when I would combine it with fingering. I don't get how as a guy, if you're enthusiastic about giving oral, you don't end up doing it eventually, even by accident. It's right there. My fave is spending lots of time fingering and licking her pussy and rubbing her wet all up and down her crack, then digging in. If she can get me off in the 69 position, pulling her cheeks against my face when I'm cumming is simply wonderful. As for receiving, I believe everything Pinkcup said is true, and I express quickly and often that balls and taint play is highly encouraged...but not my butt. Again, I believe it would be a greater orgasm than I've ever had, but the orgasms I have are plenty for me at this point in my life. Maybe in 30 years I'll need two fingers up my ass just to get hard, but I'm not interested in pushing those boundaries until I need, or at least want to. Ya for ass-themed threads!
I am one of the rare group who will not allow anything to go near my asshole. NO-ONE is shoving fingers or a tongue or anything else into my asshole, unless I am in hospital and that person is a proctologist and she (only she, fuck no I am not having a male proctologist) has been kind enough to arrange an anaesthetist to knock me the fuck out with the strongest drugs they have first. I will also not go near anyone else's asshole for any reason, ever. If a girl so much as asks, I'll be gone in a puff of smoke faster than the Road-Runner. This includes anal sex. I have ZERO desire to explore the asshole, no matter how good someone else says it may be. I do not care if this makes me a sexless prude, it is what it is and that is simply how I am wired. I think assholes are revolting (like feet) and are exit only orifices. There is no negotiating with me about this. I wouldn't even care if it was Emma Watson asking to give me a rimjob, the answer would still be no. I'd probably feel disappointed that the woman even asked, because she should know me well enough to not even bring it up and would probably leave her on the spot. You know which selection I voted for. If you don't, then you're a dolt.
I think this is more or less it. It's not the sort of thing one easily sneaks into conversation ("Oh hey honey, Community is on. Also, next time you're down in my business, wanna try tonguing my fartbox?") and at the same time, you don't want to blurt it out in the moment because there is a solid chance the woman will look at you like you just asked them to jerk off a horse. On top of that, given the general grossness of the average manbutt, it just kinda seems like an unreasonable thing to ask of someone. Sure, it'd be nice, but so would seven blowjobs each and every day. Doesn't make it a reasonable request.
Would any one of the many people who have conflated homosexuality with having someone else touch your asshole care to explain their opinion? Having someone else touch / put a finger in your ass isn't inherently gay, especially when that person is a physician performing a medical exam. And if being a man and having your asshole pleasured is gay, why isn't sticking your dick in someone else's rectum gay? By this same logic, lesbian women would eschew any kind of penetrative sex.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you saying that you wouldn't let a girl rim you is kind of like a homeless person saying he would find the texture of foie gras off-putting. I am grateful for the opinion, but skeptical as to its relevance.
I didn't conflate anything. I wouldn't know much about lesbian women because I am not a lesbian woman. Females usually have smaller hands and fingers than males (I'm not having a female protologist built like Grace Jones coming anywhere near me, either), therefore female proctologist. Smaller hands and fingers, logically, should equal less pain, should they not pump enough drugs into me. Also, I think the asshole is revolting. SHIT comes out of there. No conflated homosexuality there for me. That's my 5c on it. Hang on, wasn't this an opinion thread? With a poll? Isn't everything said in the thread then relevant by default?
Wild and baseless conjecture: I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that these men are gay, and that given their age, they come from a time when being gay largely consisted of full on I-don't-care-what-no-one-thinks, or the closet without much comfortable room in between. Hence they probably just don't give a fuck that it's weird.
Just jiggling your balls man. It's just funny to me that somebody with no interest in sex at all has such strong opinions about letting a woman rim him.
I once slightly worked with a doctor - an extremely respected infectious diseases specialist - who had fingers so small that he was incapable of performing a prostate exam. Think about that. I mean, I'm kind of fatalist in my outlook about things, but what it comes down to is that if my life has taken such a turn for the worse that I need someone to perform a digital rectal exam, I'm not going to be picky about the doc's hand size. And god forbid you ever turn 50 and need a colonoscopy.