I am going to be a total tourist tonight and do a pub crawl here in Berlin. Nothing like hanging out with drunk aussies and brits. Also, this city is fucking crowded now. I lived here for a year, and never saw it as busy as it was today. Hour lines for all the museums busy. Fucking insane.
+1 on the "lameos" - I mean, flats suck no matter how you cut it, but AM posted 3 sexy pictures of her legs and some how shoe criticism came out of that. Dang.
Yes. This is what we all do. Personally, after I meet a girl, I spend about 1-2 weeks judging her based solely on her face and body. I let it marinate and assess her value. What can her appearance do for my dating life or social status? If she is within my "level" of attractiveness we can be friends. If she's too hot, ugly, fat, pudgy, has bad teeth or a lazy eye, has over a 5 degree curvature in her spine, or is left handed, she's out of the running to be a friend. However, I do allow 1 fatty or fugly girl in my circle. It's all a carefully orchestrated plan to make myself look hotter to guys. Otherwise I'm a total hag and can't get anyone to fuck me with someone else's dick. WTF? With that attitude towards women, it's no wonder you're alone and bitching on the internet about a blind date a female friend set you up on.
Do you have any shoes for when you get invited to yacht party by drug dealers? Or, more importantly, shoes that make strong men cry in train stations?
Nom, I'm with you on 90% of the things you say but let's not oversimplify this. It's not about getting laid at the end of the night. Let me walk through this. I have more female friends than I have male friends. They are great conversationalist, that roster is pretty much filled. What role open is a girl who is NOT in the friendzone. Now, to paraphrase Adam Carolla, the one thing we know for a fact in life is that we have x amount of hours in our lives and we should be using those hours the way we feel is best for us (that doesn't hurt anyone else, etc). So when I'm out on a date, where I'm expected to spend said hours, and sometimes even my money, I want to make sure I'm getting the best usage of my time that I have. I'm talking about a 1-on-1 date, not a casual hangout with a group of friends, where I got dressed up, looked up a nice place to go, with back-up plans and bringing my A game. I don't want to waste her time either. When a female friend sets me up on a blind date and the girl is nowhere near my type, and its not about taking it "way too seriously" its about time, money, and resources wasted for not just me but two people. I've just learned to stop and ask "Honest assessment (friend) does she look compared to you?" or I ask for her name on Facebook. Let's not pretend said female friend didn't give blind date girl my name to check on FB, we know she did that WAY before she even brought it to my attention. Frank - No. My one date was sort of insulting as the set-up friend, my very attractive friend Jamie, has seen the girls I've said were attractive, her fitting into that category, and she's seen the girls I've dated. The girl she set me up with not only had a lukewarm personality, she did not fit into anything I talked to Jamie about. Most girls are not very good judges on other girls. I remember this one pivotal time in my life when I was talking about the hottest girl in the office and my coworker said "No way, did you see those hideous heels she had on with that hippie dress?" It was like she was speaking an alien language to me.
I mean, this all makes sense to me, for sure. And I know this is probably how most people think (and probably why I have never gone on many serious dates?). And I should point out that my female friends also take dates way too seriously. Probably even more so than my male friends, for what it's worth. This attitude may or may not explain why I often haven't realized that I'm on a date. I guess I'm way more casual than the average person? If I were going on a date with somebody I'd never met, there's no way that I'm going to look up a nice restaurant, and wear a suit, and pay for it, etc. It is also possible (and I mean this without sarcasm) that my free time isn't as valuable as yours. And if it goes really poorly, there's always the fun game of making random things up and saying them with a straight face.
When the woman in question was my friend the couple of instances it happened (not really a dates but more like casual get-togethers) yes, they went fine. On the other hand I've had women I've known only casually - like aquaintances or coworkers - offer to arrange a date and I've declined every time. There's no way someone who isn't already my friend knows me well enough to have an idea of the kind of woman I'd like to go on a date with. It's also important to invoke the Inverse Law in these cases; the more the woman seems eager to set you up the more it's likely to end poorly.
That's comforting. Thanks. I'm not one to turn down meeting someone. I like people. I like making new friends. Normally I'd just be polite, and the night would eventually end no harm no foul. This however was obviously "Set Popped Cherries up with the one lonely, depressing, ugly girl in our group who hasn't had a boyfriend since kindergarten because he just recently got out of a relationship and maybe we can sucker him into this girl being a rebound" type of night. I'd like to rebuttal this, but it's just going to lead to an unnecessary amount of posting defending myself for a mostly offhand comment so I'll just leave it alone.
WRONG!!!! NSFW WRONG!!!! They make the girl's ankles sexy in that uncomfortable and unnatural heel way (seriously I could never imagine wearing either due to the pain but they do make feet/ankles/legs sexy). Plus, they are like sundresses they come out as soon as the weather turns to spring and life is worth living again.
Let's end all this shoe talk nonsense, shall we? Clearly there is nothing in the world sexier than a woman in cowboy boots.
She was a mutual friend and I'd say casual friendships with both of us. We were seniors in high school, albeit different schools. They went to an all girls academy and I went to boys prep school. The mutual friend had a party at her house and made sure we were going to meet each other that night. We hit it off and the rest is history. And of the 5 gals in my wife's high school clique, 3 married their HS sweethearts.
If he is doing it right, he won't be back on here to let us know for at least 24 hours. Edit - ok in reading back a post or two I see he was on here discussing shoes. I am going to venture a guess that he is waiting for Easter Sunday to start the real HARDCORE sinning. Just like a proper Catholic would .
Well when your female friend says something like "Oh I think you should go out on a blind date with my friend..." I don't know how you can not realize that's a date, which is the situation I believe we were breaking down. Haha, I'm not talking about suits either when I said dress up, I mean not look like I rolled out of bed, masturbated, then walked out my door. There are times where I haven't been attracted to a girl, I say "Hey let's just grab drinks." because the weather is out and to shoot the shit and they either gear up or have some stupid way of quickly letting me know they're not interested even though it was never my intention. I love when that happens.
"When I was a toddler I carried bouquets at Christmas." (serious frown face) "There's wasps in the bathroom." (Smile, engaging face) "I glue velvet on the inside of my pockets." (Aggressive, militant face) "If the bread is too yellow, we're sending it back." (Innocent, peaceful face)