One time my buddies sent a "re-edited" resume of mine to every gay bar in this city, stating in the "hobbies" section that I liked "Smoking weed, never wearing pants of any kind, and other types of ill shit." I got one call back. I was still living at home. And yes, my friends are more evil than me.
I may not be super crazy about my current career path, but I must say that "Certified Engineer Technologist" has never left me unemployed.
Sadly I had to remain pretty sober for the family functions today because I had to drive back to the apartment I'm cat-sitting in. Thus, my enjoyment of said events plummeted considerably. For some reason one of my mom's friends rather frequently attends family functions on that side of the family. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with it, especially if she has nowhere else to go. But she's one of those fat ladies who laughs at things that aren't funny. "Happy Easter, [mom's friend]." "Yeah, happy bunny day! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." Good lord. And this kitty sure does like its attention.
I scanned this post too quickly and thought the third paragraph was saying something lewd about your mother's fat friend.
You forgot the "L" when describing yourself as a great "public speaker", didn't you? Fixed that for you...
A nice gesture is to warm it up in a glass of water prior to play. Your date will appreciate it far more than cold glass on her cooch. (I'm assuming her)
Something came up with my cousin so we ended up staying home for dinner last night. Had some venison stuffed peppers and red wine, not bad for a split decision meal.
We had....Chinese food? I ate too much candy, and I didn't even have that much. 5 year old me would be so disappointed. I never get alcohol related hangovers but this shit is terrible. I really think that sugar can become an addiction. I don't use sugar when I cook and tend to use fairly purist ingredients (fresh veggies, whole cuts of meat, dried beans and lentils) and eating some Cadbury eggs and Starburst jelly beans made me crave more and more, even though it was making me feel terrible.