I am working 2 days this week. Then a 5 day weekend, with a highlight being Bulls-Heat game, 1st level skyboxes, all you can eat. I'm winning the week already and its just lunch time.
My Easter cards- "Happy Easter! Aka Zombie Jesus Day. Kirk Cameron died on the cross for our sins only to be avenged by zombie Jesus in search of brains. Prepare for the crucifixion of Tim Tebow as a sacrifice for the upcoming NFL season. Scotchcrotch" Not much feedback, not sure if that's good or bad.
I need to step up my game. A buddy I grew up with sent me a picture of his new toy car. We grew up building cars and spent our nights in a garage yelling at bolts that refused to loosen. And then yelling at our knuckles to quit bleeding once the bolt did come loose. We've always had a competition between us as to who had the coolest toy car which hasn't diminished as the years passed by. My damn friend just blew me out of the water. He didn't build it, he just flew down to buy it, threw money at someone, and drove it 1500 miles home. I don't care, I'm still jealous. Fucker. (It's not a real Shelby, it's a clone, but still...)
Okay car, which part of you is busted? Is it your clutch? Your fuel pump? Your fuel filter? Plugs? Air filter? I'm not really digging this "all rev, no balls" business.
I obviously need to start watching more TV/Movies/Porn because I have no idea who that is (besides some ridiculously hot chick)
It's Alison Brie, of Mad Men and Community fame. I get why other people find her hot (in an anime sort of way), but she does nothing at all for me, especially after hearing/seeing her in interviews/magazines.
95 years ago today a group of Canadians showed the world (but more importantly, the krauts) how it was done: Somewhat related, a military nurse in my facebook feed posted the following: How am I supposed to respond to my daughter who just asked, "mommy, why do you have to go away again? Is it because I'm not good?" Shit.