I work retail, so other than Christmas day, i am guaranteed no holiday off. in fact, I usually assume I'm working any major holiday. or weekend. in other news a buddy of mine dragged me to a Hashing event yesterday. I thought the running would be the worst part but it was oddly fun. i have to remember that domestic light beer is not a good re-hydrating solution, but the women were surprisingly attractive, and everyone seemed really cool. Has anyone else experienced this?
*DJ Khaled Voice* OH shit! Y'all got it comin' hard to you. New Kanye, Hot Yeezy, Wild' hunnahts' get it, dis Chicago, right here. In other news, Kanye West is now dating Kim Kardashian, and there is a line in here about it.
The only way for a repulsive attention whore to become an even bigger attention whore is to date an even BIGGER repulsive attention whore. It?s like the perfect Voltron of Awesomeness: The HPV Patient Zero going steady with The World's Most Overrated Crybaby. May they be killed with fire. Together forever.
Kim can die at any time unless she makes more sex tapes. I bet her mom knows exactly how to make her look great in one to grow her brand. I want Kanye alive so he can keep making great music...*hides old man troll mask*
Dude, lock yourself in a room doing five beats a day for three summers. That's a different world (like Cree Summer's). I would argue that he deserves to do these numbers.
Easter isn't going to be the same this year. My family has a very long running tradition for Easter. All of my sisters, no matter where they are, make a trip out to Alabama to celebrate. I guess we'll have to make up our own celebration. And it can't involve sweets! El Husband is on a new lifting program and he doesn't really eat candy anyway. I'd buy a bunch of junk for a basket and then be the only one eating it. Hmm. Maybe an Easter themed basket with power bars for him and little bottles of booze for me? This can work! Brainstorming....
I'm going to leave this here. <a class="postlink" href="http://textsfromhillaryclinton.tumblr.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://textsfromhillaryclinton.tumblr.com/</a> Metaphysical question. If everything is a meme, does that make nothing a meme?
Let me get this straight. Those of you in North America don't get Monday off and only some of you get Friday? Fuck that noise, in Aussie Friday and Monday are both national public holidays. I also got Wed, Thurs and Tues off because I worked night shift on Tuesday night and the unit gave us Thursday and Tuesday next week off for shits and giggles. Our biggest dilemna is the fact that all pubs are shut on Friday so if you forget to stock your shelf with grog you're shit out of luck.
I didn't even realize we got tomorrow off until a couple days ago when someone asked me what I was doing on Friday. Not that it matters. Cisco exam in two weeks so I'm spending the whole day studying and doing lab simulations. Such is the life of a rockstar - please don't be jealous.
I forget about Easter every year, my ex just acted all weird that I didn't have big plans for the occasion. He plans on taking them to church and all that. Funny, the douche is all righteous all of the sudden. I just make the kids some baskets and make colored eggs with them, usually after the fact, as their dad usually has them Sundays. I explain the occasion as "some people believe" yada, yada, yada. I just had a fantastic run and just turned a bowl and a beer down. This health kick may freeze hell over after all.
I only recently heard about/started visiting The Chive, and it's fucking awesome. It's just a site full of photosets, and there's a small amount of repetition, but man oh man. Good stuff. Every day they have Daily Morning Awesomeness and Daily Afternoon Randomness, which are just a big mix of cool photos. It's the theme days that I love. Mind the Gap Monday: Tan Line Tuesday: Wednesday is hump day: Burn Your Bra Thursdays: Not sure if Friday has a theme, but it might be FLBP (future lower back problems): The best part is, these aren't really NSFW, they're prety damn close, but they don't actually show naughty bits.