A great tune. "Salisbury Hill" isn't. I'd rather listen to Fran Drescher screaming the sanskrit alphabet than that shite. And the first person to mention serenading some chick with a breakdancer's boombox is going to get smacked up the back of the head. Another I like (and the video likeness to Sledgehammer is awesome):
Not that I really trust rape statistics, but New Zealand, Australia, and the Netherlands all have legal prostitution and record among the highest percentages of rape victims in the world. Rape isn't about just finding somewhere to shoot your load. It's rape itself that gets them off, not just the sex. Or they want revenge and power over that 'bitch' that's been leading them on.
That's ALMOST what happened, but replace golf with The Facts of Life on the HUB network. I can assure you my penis was not at fault this time...
What the hell is with you Aussies and observing holidays one day after everyone else? Easter Monday, Boxing Day... Is it the International Date Line or what?
What do you mean one day after? Both Christmas and Boxing Day are public holidays. Same with Good Friday and I believe Monday is a holiday because Easter is the Sunday. If a public holiday falls on a weekend here we generally get given a weekday in lieu.
Man! I wish I had some epic tale of my cock shooting lightning covered fireballs while destroying buildings in Tokyo. Sadly, my only penis letdown had to do with a $100+ bar tab, ending the night in the shared college dorm room of the girl I was trying to sleep with, and putting the cherry on top of a stellar evening by unknowingly vomiting into her dishwasher.
What up Drunk Thread? I've been off work for 2 weeks, and have a couple more weeks of 'working from home' (Skyrim) ahead of me. I'm off the booze for the time being (it's hard to burn off booze calories in a knee splint), but I have a fresh oz to carry me through the weeks ahead. Hospital sent me home with a bunch of oxy, which I haven't touched as it seemed excessive and weed was working just fine. I'm actually not sure which is better for me, but in my ignorance I tend to think the green. I'll raise an extra large J for y'all.
Kinda weird to think that there's close to 300million chromosomal combinations possible when a woman is impregnated.
I have the day off today. Of course, I woke up at 3:50 AM, but I'm not concerning myself with a little thing like sleep today because tomorrow, at approximately 5:00 AM, I will become a bachelor again until Friday the 13th. Therefore:
Ugh. Stayed at my parents' place last night. The house next door is being rebuilt, and my old bedroom happens to be at the end of the house next to the construction zone. I figured they wouldn't be working on the holiday. I was wrong. 6:30, after a lusty "fuck you" to the noise ordinance laws, they fired up the backhoe. I hate life. Also, to y'all who have Easter holidays, I am envious. The one job that not only doesn't get religious holidays, but also doesn't get overtime pay for working those holidays, is anyone employed by a church. AKA me. I am planning on relieving my frustration with some good old debauchery this weekend. Contemplating starting a "sex technique and toys" chapter in the TiBette thread.
I wasn't going to post this again, but Bundy Bear insisted. It's special today because it's GOOD FRIDAY! WHOOOOOOOOOO!
It's not even 9 AM on the East Coast and my mother has already called to remind me to go to Mass on Sunday. At least I have an awesome brunch to look forward to after.
I hate you so much right now. I'm going to go continue getting drunk in the pool with some drum n bass.