Why won't this song just die!? I am up WAY too early, got a conference with my youngest son's teacher.
Caught him eating the paste again, or merely playing "I'm the Administrator, bitch!" with a classmate?
My recent schedule and Indian food from the night before meant that I was able to sleep in until 6:20 or so before habit and other factors woke me the fuck up. Then I went to McDonald's, had a tea, and finished reading Candide. It's a sad life. We went out to dinner and a bar afterwards and were back before 10:00. I opened a beer and didn't finish half of it before falling asleep.
Nah, just a review of his progress, which has been phenomenal. The other son is more likely to play the latter.
For all of you complaining that you don't have today off, just imagine that EVERYONE IN YOUR BUILDING gets the day off EXCEPT the team that you work on. Not even the doorman will be there. It is THE WORST. I'm just hoping that it's like whatever the last three-day-weekend-I-could've-had was where everyone assumed we'd be closed and it was a really slow day. And it is a little bit more relaxing knowing that none of our bosses will be there, even though none of them are bad. But, for working in a communications department, none of them are very good at communicating with the people that actually work there. Yesterday I discovered the third thing that I was supposed to somehow intuit instead of being told in any form whatsoever. My training for my move to the chat team isn't going to be starting until next Thursday instead of Monday. Grr. I got through this week with the mantra "last week on the phones. Last week on the phones." Also, I have to get a root canal. This past day has blown.
Oh I'm sorry not all of us get to live in chic little Brooklyn neighbourhoods where local cafes have only the finest of teas and cappuccinos and scones and the clientele are all sophisticated and capable of conversing with you on whatever snooty books you have to read. Sometimes you're in a shit little town where McDonald's is the best thing going. Also, McDonald's actually has respectable tea and coffee, and it's pretty quiet at 7:30 on a stat holiday.
I'm actually glad people in healthcare don't have today off, because I fucking hate holidays where I have to work and make a shitton of sales calls and everyone on my list has the day off. Nope, you bastards aren't off the hook today!
Welcome to working in a CHC environment Audrey! Glad to have you on our team! The worst part about going to the dentist is that any time you need dental work there's this implicit (or explicit, if your dentist is a dick) presumption that it's your fault for not taking better care of your teeth. That more than anything is why I dread the dentist.
I'll admit, I've never had any asian friends, but you all make it sound like this is the typical asian child rearing method:
Haha, that's a funny fucking piece of code they have built in. The worst part about the dentist, especially mine is that I go in there and say "I don't want to look at any pictures or know any nasty details. Do what you have to do, only let me know if something is going to cost me a ton of money. I trust you, thank you." Then they find some round about way to go against your wishes, show you how nasty everything is and walk you through it. Fuck you dentist.