It wasn't towards the person at all, it was towards the piece of shit organisation/Labor government I work for that is calling for all sorts of cutbacks and saving schemes for money but then gives out money for medical procedures that should not ever be part of our medical care in Defence.
English officially has three third party personal pronouns aside from the inanimate "it." They are: He - referring to male She - referring to female That fuckin' wanker - referring to tosser
You've intrigued me. Please, enlighten me as to your depth of knowledge in military medical policy, and explain why gender reassignment should under no circumstances be covered.
Buying a little vibrator was the best God damn thing I could have ever done for my sex life. My girl was in a quivering pile when we were done. Such great power in such a small device...
You smell that? Yes, that is a burger from Omaha Steaks...perfectly seasoned, being grilled up? Delicious. Yes indeed that is bacon, that will be tossed onto the burger with Gorgonzola cheese as well. Fucking delicious indeed.
Jesus... When did I become the one who has to always break these things up? There are plenty of places out there to discuss things like transgender rights and responsible government spending. El Thread-O de Drunk is not one of them. El Stop-O. Yall remember the dad from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"? The one who's solution to everything was Windex? Thanks to Pinterest, that is now The Wife, except she's convinced that vinegar is the end-all-be-all of home remedies. As we speak, she is adding apple cider vinegar to our son's bath while she sings "KNEEEEES, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND FEET- KNEES AND FEEEEEEEEET". Its the little things, I guess.
I now exclusively make the burgers I learned on here from effinshenanigans. They're so good you'll get knocked up from them. I've got quite a few good barbecue tips from this site. And it's that time of year, too. Bonus.
Buddy's gettin' his balls cut off at the spca today. El Husband is off doing voluntold fun. I'm having voluntary fun with Jack! Jack Daniels, that is. yumyumyumyuymym....
My roommate's father is one of Nordstrom's most high performing salesmen for Salon shoes, and even though he doesn't usually sell men's shoes - he always pays attention when the new styles arrive. The spring set from Donald Pliner came in today, and he sent text messages of the Ember WANT.
Gender aside, if you intend to spend over $300 post-tax on a pair of shoes that you'd have trouble regularly (even if fly, they're fucking American flag shoes), you better have money out the anus.
Different strokes for different folks. Where I work, not having at least one pair of shoes like that in your regular rotation is unofficially considered a 'career limiting move'. The reason that he normally works in Salon shoes is because women in general don't have as of reference as yourself. Four figures for a completely impractical pair of Jimmy Choo wedges? Everyday occurrence.
Where do you work? Vapid in vogue? Seriously, those shoes are hideous. Do you have to leave the price tag on, or something?