360: LBDER It's supposed to read pounder like lb.DER but I was drunk when I made it and tried to be too clever. I play COD:WAW daily on HC deathmatch. When Modern Warfare 2 comes out my life is going to be ruined.
PSN: PrimaryDisorder I am all about COD:Modern Warfare and am itching for 11/11/09 to get here for fucks sake!
PS3: Hawt I'm mostly playing Borderlands and Uncharted 2 right now. If you are down to play just add me and shoot me a message letting me know you're from TiB
PSN - StirFri3d826 Hit me up! I'm always looking for people to play with online. Battlefield Bad Company, KillZone 2, R6V2, Operation Flashpoint 2 and at 12:01 Tuesday, COD: MW2
XBL: Bread Mustache I just re-got xbox live, so my friends list is sparse. I will be losing real life friends playing Modern Warfare 2 among many others. Just write RMMB or TIB in your friend request so I know it's one of you and not a random 9 year old.
Not sure how many PS3/360 owners we got on here, but if there's enough interest it might be fun to start up an Idiot Board MW2 clan/squad for each respective system. Post if interested.
I would definitely be down for that. Discussing LOST theories while Anton Chigurhing bitches with a silenced shotgun would be fun as hell.
I'd definitely be up for that. These online games are usually a lot more fun when you're not just playing with random people all the time.
xbl; ducatibolan MW2 is unreal. I finished the story part this morning. Definitely worth the $60 bucks.
XBL: B1sgust1ng I just started MW2 online this evening, so I don't have a great level yet (or the weapons and perks that come with it) and still get lost on maps, but I can generally hold my own. If I'm on, it'll generally be between 1-4 and 8-11 pm.
Xbox Live: BaseballGuyCAA Currently unable to get online thanks to the Naziesque anti-online-gaming stance by my apartment's wireless provider. That will be fixed soon enough though.
I'd be interested in that too. Anytime I'm not stuck with a bunch of 13 year olds on my team is a plus. Live ID: slippingaway183