XBOX Live: andreasara I can only be friends with people who play Peggle. I have an unhealthy addiction to this game. I have other shit too - but mostly I just play that now. I blame my addictive personality.
COD4 MW2 by the way of XBL: Arsenal ETID Toss me a message saying you're from TiB, I try to not add random people. See ya'll there.
I'm not really sure how the whole "clan tag" thing works, or whether it actually makes a difference in the game, or even if anyone cares, but what do you guys think of putting up a [TiB] tag on MW2? The last time I was part of a clan was 10 years ago, playing TFC with my high school buddies on dial-up.
Got an Xbox LIVE for an early Christmas present, and joined the rest of you gamer nerds as of 20 minutes ago. My first dozen choices for a user name were taken, so I went with what was familiar. LIVE Gamertag: Rob4Broncos Right now I only have Left 4 Dead, and eventually I'll get L4D2 once the price goes down a bit. Other than those two (and possibly Madden), I can't think of any games I'd get on LIVE for.
I created a new group for TiB on Steam since the RMMB is no longer with us. My S/N on steam is DigitalPunk
Steam Gaming Name : RedneckSniper I play CoD: Modern Warfare 2, I have CS source, 1.6, And DoD source as well though i dont play them that often anymore. If you drop an invite just tell me your from this board
I was in your game today on derail, sent you a steam message but didn't get a reply. I was #LK VooDoo..
My sleep schedule's been all fucked up, so I took one of my wife's adderalls at 5 this morning so I can stay awake today. I'll probably be playing MW2 all day long (in between checking work emails) so hit me up on XBox Live if you want to join in (slippingaway183). I usually play Ground War, but I'm up for anything. I haven't even tried anything but team deathmatch, ground war, domination and HQ.
PS3 TAG TheBouchedag I mainly play world at war. Since my friend took his modern warfare 2 back. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing...It could very well be the reason i havent found a job yet... But yeah. If anyone plays WAW hit me up. I'm so sick of playing with noobs that don't understand the object of Domination.
For those of us that have been consumed with playing MW2 recently, what do you think about having a specific time to get together and play some matches? Maybe over the holidays when most of us have days off from school and work. We've all posted our gamertags or whatever on here, but I've never actually played with any of you degenerates.
I wouldn't mind this at all. I should be on tomorrow night (probably) and for sure on Christmas night. After that, I'll probably be on a lot as all the noobs will have gotten the game for Christmas and it will be feeding time. (XBox Live) I would also like to knock out some of these spec op missions on Veteran. I took care of Alpha by myself but will need people to finish out from here on (the Evasion mission I'm guessing is easier by yourself anyways).
FYI, I've just created a STEAM user group, same as the XBL and PS3 ones. You can edit your user profile to include your steam gamertag, and join the public group.
steam: candyforbreakfast All I play is l4d2. Anybody play borderlands, or Heroes of Newerth (Dota 2.0)?
I should be back on XBox Live sometime next week. Username is TheMephis. Hopefully I'll be picking up MW2 and NHL10 soon.
XBL: Sham3d M0nkey (zero instead of an "O" in monkey) Play mostly MW2. Generally on around 11pm ET every day. Hit me up if you want some Team Deathmatch.