I think there's a stark difference between leaving a fat lip and a handprint on the ass. Focus: The girl I lost my virginity to was open to pretty much everything. She took great delight in showing me the finer pleasures of hot wax, ice cubes, sensory deprivation, orgasm denial, choking and the standard ropes, whips and paddles. She asked me to give her a DP fisting. Let's just say that I know exactly where my lines are.
Re: Re: Open Wide I got no problem smacking women around, not for sex mind you, but you better not over cook my dinner.
Just to be clear, the entire TIB asian female population is into rape play and air locks. This doesn't surprise Kubla Kahn.
I'm picturing five men standing in a line, each with their dick in the ass of the guy in front of them, you being the last in line. Is that right? Does the first guy (or the "engine", as you most likely call him) yell "choo choo!" while this is going on?
No it was more or less coincidence that we all fucked her. We weren't all in the same room and I thought I was only the second guy to get in her. There were time spans in between dudes where she came out of my buddies bedroom, but she only wrapped the blanket around herself. Needless to say a very classy broad.
I love how you're talking about being the fifth guy in a train while simultaneously mentioning her lack of class.
I think a lot of you would get kicks/good information out of The Sex Nerd Sandra podcast. I've listened to a handful of them, and they're quite good.
There is nothing unclassy about being the 5th guy in a gang bang (because clearly train means something else), the classless person was the girl, not the 5th guy to have sex with her in the session knowing that 4 guys went before him.
Dude, don't you guys read? He thought he was only the 2nd. Get off his back. But seriously, sometimes I hope he falls into a combine thresher.
How many guys ass dicking the guy in front does it take before it's not a train anymore and they can just complete a circle? Because, I have no interest in being a part of that, but that sounds fucking hilarious.
Knowing where jordan_paul resides, and hearing his truly beautiful tale of youthful innocence, I could think of only one image. Spoiler For clarity and ease of comprehension, as "caboose", he is the fucking yokel at the back giving a reach-around to Dude #2 (known as "Clearance Car" to his friends).
I figure I'll answer toddamus's question he reped me: Actually yes I had an STD, chlamydia to be specific but I don't think I got it from the train because I wore a dome. I have a few ideas where I got it but I had no clue I had it. I learned of my situation because my current live in girlfriend found out that she had chlamydia during one of her bi-annual vagina inspections*. The pills my doctor prescribed to clear it up gave me the worst shits the next day though. I wouldn't recommend chlamydia to anyone, it sucks. *(I know what you're going to say, she could have given it to me and lied about it etc. but she told me she didn't sleep with any other guys since her previous bi-annual vagina inspection where she was clean and I believe her. I've raw dogged a lot of dirties in my day so I'm thinking it was probably me). Haters gunna hate.
Y'know, 'has raw dogged a lot of dirties in his day' would make a great account description. And epitaph.
This has been requested but most certainly not fulfilled. My former fb (of sex swing and would-you-let-me-pee-on-you fame) asked me the other day if I'd be willing to dress as a storm trooper and let him rail me. The answer was no.
I licked a butthole for the first time recently, and that's about it. The act itself wasn't bad and my girlfriend loved it (strong orgasms!), which always makes things fun. Slowly but surely we're doing more exploration in the bedroom, which is obviously awesome because we have only had sex each other.