I clicked on the video and thought the opening line was, "Open Condom, Start". I was disappointed to find out this was not the case.
I'm gonna echo that and think maybe it's a gross cultural divide I have not been previously aware of... As for the Gagnam Style thing, maybe the funniest thing I've seen recently was randomly flipping through channels on a day off, I saw Ellen, Britney Spears, and PSY doing the gagnam style dance, and neither of the women realized that for it to have it's effect and be funny, you have to realize it's ridiculous and still play it off extremely deadpan.
That's because you don't come gangsta. For a classic pisstake of that mentality, may I present Mr. N9ne.
Hip-hop bullshit like rolling up one pantleg or pulling one arm out of your shirt sleeve. You don't look street. You look like a drunk one-armed retard that tried to dress themselves in haste. Bench brand clothing. Look like an 80's back-up dancer, pay a fortune. We call that "lose-lose." At least Lulu Lemon makes shorts that turns men into a Tex Avery cartoon. Spoiler Country line-dancing. FUCK. A plague amongst ALL HOUSES. Please person line-dancing, think about your life. Put the pricing gun back in the pricing gun holster and really think about your life for a minute. Stop equipping your wardrobe with The Bedazzler. Thanks to ol' Sleeveless Billy Ray Cyrus and other early 90's "country" turds that turned what once had a soul into two-step shitty pop music, rubes STILL dance this fucking way when they don't know what else to do with themselves. It's like the Macarena only with ten gallon hats and belt buckles you can serve tea on.
- Conspiracy theories in general. Especially the 9/11 one. The shit people are willing to believe without one shred of reliable evidence is unreal. You know, you'd think after 87,000 alien sightings we'd have something tangible. - Religious beliefs that have been slap you in the face proven wrong. Be Religious. Fine. But if we are 100% certain something is bullshit it's time to accept that. - Cricket. I'm sorry, that game is terrible and should be banned. - Reality tv. I actually think tv quality is improving recently, but this dominated television for way too long, and still does. - Radical feminism. No, I'm not talking about the right to drive and vote.
There are certain things I am thankful caught on safely somewhere else in the world instead of North America. For one: we knew right away that soccer was bullshit. And let's face facts: The Japanese are fucking weirdos. Period. They have fetishes for things you could not possibly have fetishes for. When I see some of the goings-on of that country, I think "Hmmm. Perhaps I AM thankful I do not live in a gigantic drawer like a lab rat or has vending machines that sell used schoolgirl panties." That shit in Amsterdam that I saw, fuck. A giant cone filled with french fries and festooned with mayonaise and mustard. They line up for this shit like opening day for the next iPhone. I realized after being there for about 30 minutes that city was Freak Central, but that demon cum mixture is just too much. Gross.
I apologise for how wasted I was last night. I know I should stay off the net while drinking, but it will happen again. Anyway, this is the shit I was talking about: It's an intentional "comedy act" and it's fucking stupid. But I see people revel in this kind of aesthetic.
I read somewhere that Psy waived his copyright rights, essentially throwing E-gas on his video's already viral fire. As funny as the video is on its face (thanks largely to the asian male stereotype America has perpetuated as an inexplicable form of comedy), what impresses me is the thought that went into it. "Oppan gangnam style" translates roughly into "I am gangnam style," so Psy dressing all "nice" and deadpanning this otherwise terrible dance is a metaphor to pretentious assholes (like those from Gangnam) taking themselves way too serious and yet looking outwardly fucking retarded. It's like getting an Asian-language tramp stamp that you think means "serenity" but translated says "I take it in the butthole." That Psy actually spent some of his childhood in Gangnam -- he obviously resents it -- only adds to the meta-layers in the joke. And since the media is too fucking lazy to do so much as a bit of Google 'research' before going to press with something, and uninhibited by copyright laws Psy disclaimed his right to, every television show, newscast, celebrity and their brother is now doing a parody of the dance or even the video. And what's truly hilarious is that the joke is on them, and they don't even know it. Because every person, news outlet, celebrity, etc. who does a parody to that video is essentially getting E-tattooed with an Asian tramp stamp they think is cool. Except their ink actually says "I take it in the butthole." Joke is on them. Psy win.
In a video like this, there's always that one moment where the momentum shifts; you stop thinking "what the fuck" and you start thinking "this is hilarious." For me, this is that moment.
Hey, that shit is delicious, and do you know who else agrees with you? The Germans. Hitler would side with you on this question. Doesn't that give you a moment of pause?
LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME That shit look like Sinestro blew his load on a sea anemone. And Hitler was Austrian.
For me it was the part with the blue blazer and the tornado of confetti. Been loving this song for a while now (4chan etc.), and reading this thread, I'm actually sort of irritated that I now have some context for this video. But yeah, it's fucking everywhere now, and I'm OK with that.
I'm glad this stupid shit song hasn't caught on around here. YET. Sometimes shitty pop culture rifts slip through the cracks up here and I am glad for that. Unfortunetly hipsters did NOT thanks a lot Brooklyn you assholes. Keep your diseases self-contained!!!! Back on topic I hate "It" songs like the song from this thread, and I especially hate getting requested and having to play "it" songs because they make my ears drip blood. It Songs may include: Mambo #5 Cha Cha Slide Barbie Girl Blue by Eiffel 65 Crank That Strokin' Macarena Oh Yeah by Yello The Ketchup Song Tubthumping I'm sure you can add to this. ...in other words, there is no arguement that those are all really REALLY bad songs turned into monster hits by the Lowest Common Denominator. I'll never get it, and I never will.