I too have read Ghost Wars along with Kill Bin Laden, Hunting Al Qaeda, See No Evil, Descent into Chaos, Killer Elite, among others. I completely agree with your comment and the fact that people need to be more educated on the matters and politics that surrounded Osama's existence. However, I would like to note that during the summer of 96-97, the CIA had direct eyes on Bin Laden, and were in fact in a safe house across the street from him, simply waiting for the call to take him out. The fact that Clinton didn't pull the trigger but instead sent in some cruise missiles to rearrange some rubble in bum fuck Asscrackistan, is well above my security clearance. I mean no harm with this post, only to inform people to read more and talk less.
Reaction quotes from foreign leaders around the world: <a class="postlink" href="http://aljazeera.com/news/asia/2011/05/20115241936984209.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://aljazeera.com/news/asia/2011/05/ ... 84209.html</a>
While some may view it as a pyrrhic victory in terms of resources expended, it is a significant victory for other reasons. It will help to give some closure to those who lost love ones on 9/11 (and I don't think you can really put a price tag on that). It showed the US's resolve and commitment to follow through on our word that we would track him down and bring him to justice, no matter the cost or how long it takes. Yeah, there are plenty ready to take his place, but the US showed it will not relent. The lives lost, the money and resources spent--yeah, it all sucks. But it's a war on terrorism, and war has a steep price. As for the cheering crowds, it was just an example of emotionally charged mob mentality. On 9/11 and the days after, people gathered with candles, sang somber songs, some prayed...crowds moved by the emotions of the moment. The only thing different about last night was the emotion of the moment. By the way, did anyone else have 5/1/11 in their Bin Laden Death Pool?
Agreed. Radicals are already complaining we didn't bury him correctly, even though extraordinary measures were taken. This has become a war of misinformation. Do we really need to stoke the fire by celebrating like it's NYE? All those idiots celebrating, congratulations. You just made footage for the next terrorist recruitment video. Why don't we shoot one of their choppers and then jump all over it? Show a little tact, people. Yes, they can do it, we shouldnt. That's life.
Am I the only one who doesn't really give a fuck? When my wife told me this morning, it didn't immediately set in. And as the day went on, the apathy regarding this accomplishment stagnated. Now, don't get me wrong I'm a very emotional person and reacted like a 9 year old boy during 9/11. I was extremely broken up. But really, we're not talking about billions of dollars since 2001 here, we're talking about almost $1.3 trillion to date for this war and to think this is a chapter to close it out is foolish at best. In a way, OBL wanted that to happen. Our fucking economy is shit right now. We have to take our shoes off at the airport, I have to go out of my way to get travel size toiletries, and heaven forbid if you want to bring a snowglobe as a carry-on.. I'm glad the cock-sucker is dead, but if I were the US government I wouldn't break my arm patting myself on the back; for the kill or for trying to make this seem like it actually changes anything at all.
At a certain point, though, the ends stop justifying the means. Sometimes, being relentless in the name of a cause isn't always a good thing. Just ask Israel and its friendly neighbors, or look at the silly "War on Drugs." It's not my intention to be political here. I only mean to illustrate that endless warfare on anything is inherently unhealthy.
Something that strikes me as...well, a bit odd and probably unfortunate. Obviously, the US military can't release the identity of the man who pulled the trigger. He'd spend the rest of his life as a walking target, and even the well-wishers would probably make his life unbearable. On the other hand...will anyone ever believe him? If someone who plausibly looked like they might have been a SEAL said "I killed OBL," wouldn't most people's reactions be "Oh, sure you did"? Wouldn't that be a bitch? You were the man that killed Osama bin Laden, but can't tell anybody because they think it's bullshit?
I don't know about that. The only people he'd probably tell would be close family and friends that he trusted not to tell everyone, for the very reasons you gave (wouldn't want it to get out so he became a walking target/pseudo-celebrity with reporters and well-wishers up his ass), and if he is a badass Navy Seal and member of an elite squad, anyone close enough for him to tell them would likely believe it. Now, if he walked into a bar and raised his arms and shouted 'I killed Bin Laden! Bring me your finest booze and women!" most people will likely think he is a full-of-shit blow-hard. Edit: I'm an idiot, he was a Seal, not a Marine.
I get the feeling that most guys in that elite line of work are usually mentally and emotionally solid (I guess that's the word I'm looking for?) enough not to let that sort of thing concern them too much. A friend of mine, his dad was a USMC Scout Sniper during Vietnam. There are many things about what he did that, even today, he can't talk about. I've been told that he doesn't care to talk about it anyway. I met the guy once. Tough as nails and meaner than a cobra. Then again, what Sergeant Major isn't?
I'm having a hard time believing we tracked Bin Laden thru his couriers. Why would they release info like this to the public?
I don't talk about it much, but I was at the WTC on 9/11. I went there to do search and rescue, but the rescuing part didn't happen. I found a leg from mid-thigh to toe, an arm, and some shoes. It was almost 10 years ago, and I can remember it like it was yesterday. If I close my eyes, I can still smell it. As such, I am happy they killed that son of a bitch. However, now that he's dead and all that, I gotta say terrorism is like the Hydra. For every head we cut off, two will grow in it's place. These people are willing to die for their cause, so to think just because that murderous cocksucker is dead means these people will pack their toys and go home borders on insanity. Without getting political, I think we need to look at the reason why these terrorists are so adamant to terrorize, and maybe adjust ourselves accordingly. That being said, I sure am happy they killed that son of a bitch, and I'm having a fucking rack of pork ribs tomorrow night to celebrate.
I'm going to keep this short. 1. The whole "people shouldn't celebrate, they should be quiet in their homes" argument is emotionally impossible and fucking ridiculous. As mentioned earlier, the people celebrating, celebrated much differently. There wasn't fuck "these people, their religion, this county" it was "fuck USL, he's dead." This whole "they did this, we did this, we're just as bad" is ridiculous. There are degrees of actions. No pictures were burned or stepped on, no flags were burned or stepped on, no homes were raided and not one person was harmed over here. 2. "What did this really do?" We took out their starting QB, we took out Steve Jobs from Apple (I think Steve Jobs is more evil, see the latest South Park). Shit is not going to be the same. Hey, it might fracture because a bunch of guys think they can be the man. No one has thought about that. 3. "They can use this as recruitment material." Wait, what did they have as recruitment material before 9/11? Oh right, they don't need recruitment material. Pretty sure our iPad 2s, designer clothing, $6 dollar coffees, and we have about under $1000 people arguing over 9 billion dollars are enough. 4. For the people mentioning history, there is one thing that no one has brought up, and its really sums it all up: "War, war never changes."
That's all well and good and everything...but is there any way for someone to get gonorrhea without having sex first? sorry about derailing
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 According to several people at work, they were swinging from lampposts at Ground Zero, dancing in Times Square and chanting "Fuck bin Laden" all night long. Nothing heartbreaking about it. I know everyone in my office was in a terrific mood. And you know what? So was I. As objective as I try to be about these kinds of things, there is something very visceral about this man's death. It feels. absolutely. great. I know it's ethically questionable to revel in death. I know it doesn't solve anything, that it doesn't change the mistakes that have been made, and that the road ahead is as bleak as it ever was. But Osama bin Laden was a cancer on the collective mind of this city, and now he's gone. So, this time, screw ethics.
We should start a new thread debating that very question. Now, if there are crabs on a toilet seat, and the crabs have the N. gonorrhoeae bacteria growing on them, then sure. Or, they could be today's generation of virgins that think "buttsex" maintains virginity, in which case they could have all manner of diseases. Yes, the rum is poured and the WDT is closed, so sorry. Google "New Yorkers in mourning", and I bet that's the definition right there. They are bad ass like that.