I had eluded to it and I hope you're wrong my friend. Just as we [humans] evolved biologically, I truly hope that we can fully evolve socially...asymptotic limits of technology and economics can be motivated with war but peacefully maintained without it. But then again, there are still billions of people that believe that they were born into sin. But hey, we're only human right? Half of the world makes a fucking excuse about their state of being before they even wake up in the morning. Fuck that bullshit.
So you think that whether or not people are celebrating is going to be a deciding factor for potential terrorist recruits instead of, you know, killing Bin Laden? Fuck them, and fuck having to tip toe around because of them. They dont like the way we buried him? Once again, who gives a fuck? Idiot young muslims with no education of the outside world are going to join the ranks of al Qaeda regardless of what we do. Also, the politically correct mindset is bullshit, because it means absolutely nothing. When the next leader pops up, he can get a bullet to the forehead too. Im sure Allah will welcome them all with open arms.
To my fellow Canadians everywhere: Stop being assholes. This was done right, this was not murder, but a well planned, non-destructive execution of a mass, mass, MASS murderer and monster that sent a stern message to those sociopaths that murder to appease their imaginary friends. By doing this, America saved their brand. Seriously, just let the USA have this. If I was a Yank, I'd be celebrating too. They NEED this. You're forgetting that 9/11, which this steely-eyed nutjob financed and quarterbacked was the reason America became so downtrodden and all together split the fuck in half over the last decade. These guys are our neighbours, friends, we are each other's largest trading partners and we (not me personally) have bled and died along side them countless times through the worst shitstorms the earth has ever seen. I haven't seen togetherness like this in the States since the steroid-infused Mcgwire/Sosa home run chase. Bin Laden deserved a bullet and that's exactly what he got. Happy fucking ending for all, kudos to everyone down south that helped wipe out this menace to end all menaces. Feed his corpse to the fucking crows. That being said, let's all get along again so they'll give Toronto and Vancouver an NFL team already.
One last thing on the issue with regards to the celebrations that transpired, refer to The Bill of Rights. I do, however, find the psyche of the participants more shocking (or disappointing) than any potential reaction from the Muslim community. Let's be real, these were probably the same donks that tried to sue Saudi Arabia after the attacks. The idea that something was accomplished, furthermore that things will change, truly shows that mass media has earned its keep. On the morning [sports] radio show I listen to, they're were a number of callers that had known someone taken from them at 9/11. Each of them stated: it doesn't bring my wife "back to the dinner table". Word. I digress. I'm not afraid of [insert racially charged Muslim name here] the fuck chicken farmer in Oman knocking down my door and cutting my dog's head off...let alone compromising my 1st amendment right. Seriously, my country has the Pacific and Atlantic oceans; you have a rake, work under the barter system, and don't drink Natural Light. You are nothing. The heart-burn I have on the matter is that I can't believe our country is wasting so much money to "protect our freedoms". Aforementioned, this is a fucking lie. They're [trying] protecting our standard of living and doing fucking poor job at it [political / way of the world opinion omitted]. Point being, this is all a fucking disguise. Have Al Q'aeda, the Taliban, or the fuck chicken farmer invade Camden, PA, Gary, IN or Baltimore, MD and try to threaten freedoms. It would be laughable and I may make a movie because of it. Peace, Acceptance, Unity. Bless America, Free Freedom. One.
Today in school, it was so sad how many of the kids didn't know who Bin Laden was. "Coach, did you hear a terrorist was killed .... some guy?" was the most prevalent question. Granted, many of these kids were between 4 and 8 or so when 9/11 happened, but I was just appalled at the lack of history and cultural significance of last night. Many didn't know his name or close to what he had done ... And these were high school kids. I just think that's something they should have learned, somewhere.
Isn't that a mindfuck? That there are people coming of age who don't remember 9/11? People will soon (are?) entering universities, the workforce, the military, etc. who don't have first hand recollections of the events. We're entering generation of adolescents and young adults for whom 9/11 is something in a history book rather than an experience. This summer, I was at the Museum of American History in DC when I saw a kid who was 8-10 years old turn to his father and asked "What is 9/11?" I'm not blaming the kid. It's outside his time frame. But this is...chilling. At least this guy gets to shave for the first time in almost 10 years.
I told my sons before school this morning. They're 8 and 11. They literally cheered. They celebrated. They knew who he was and why he deserved to die. My daughter? (She's 14.) I picked her up from school and I said, "I'm pretty sure y'all heard about this today, but Osama Bin Laden was killed last night." "Oh! Ok!! .....Can I ask...who that was?" "....Are...you serious? Does the date 9/11 ring any bells?" "Yeah. Did he do it?" *sigh* They didn't even discuss it today in her school. To be fair to her, when 9/11 happened, she was very young, and she's a naturally timid child anyway, and was prone to nightmares, so we tried to shield her from a lot of the news of the time. And through the years it's been discussed, but I guess it got lost in the shuffle. I don't know. I asked her whether her teachers brought it up, she said no. I was surprised. And saddened.
This story give me hope. Hope that even in these countries filled with terrorist radicals people can be so self absorbed as to want to tweet every single occurrence in their lives, that they'll eventually become so satiated with their own lives that they'll never dream of actually wanting to do battle. Some one needs to quickly airdrop some ipads and the muslim version of Jersey Shore.
I'm just glad that now we can turn our attention to getting that redheaded bitch, Carmen San Diego. She's been one step ahead for far too long. I just home our military has that guidebook. But seriously, an awful human being is no more, and if people take the celebration a little too far, so be it.
Jesus. I knew who Bin Laden was before 9/11, when I was at that age. How the fuck they don't know I have no idea.
How about getting them LAID? You never hear "Those radical fundamentalists blew themselves up from all the sex they were having". Five Muslims from England that were sent home from Gitmo said guards taunted them there by bringing in hookers. As they found out, most of these guys had never seen a woman naked before. Do you see what I'm getting at here? In North America, we grow weed in cornfields, have free internet porn, inject ourselves with Human Growth Hormone and have magazines on every corner store with fucking titles like BARELY LEGAL. Guess what's "barely legal" in the middle east? Every single thing. Men need pussy, and if they don't get it they go nuts and curse the day they decided to become a hipster. If you're in a place where you aren't even allowed to TALK to a woman, is there anything better to do than scream in the street and/or blow yourself up? Over here, it's the married dudes that want to kill themselves. At least in our countries you can talk to a girl, and she might be stupid enough to fall for your suave moves. If not, you can just get rich and then buy one like guys do in Los Angeles. Trust me, dry spells and hate-spewing anger go together like beers and showers. Why do you think football players and fighters stay out of the wet cave before their matches? So they're pissed off and have murder in their hearts. Fuck the Peace Corps. We need a PIECE Corps. Ladies, you know full fucking well you carry the ultimate weapon against terrorism and right now you're probably teasing it with a detachable showerhead.
From my own personal experiences and from what I've heard from other's, I think the problem is most of our school systems are stuck teaching starting from oldest history and then working their way forward. I'm 22, and I think out of all my history classes there may have been 2 that even came close to dealing with recent events. One of those was one I chose to take just last semester. I don't think it makes very much sense to spend time teaching people about 5000 year old history and completely disregard teaching 10, 20 or 30 year old history. Obviously I know about 9/11 because I was old enough at the time to be paying attention. But if you ask me about the Gulf War or any of the issues from the early 90s or late 80s? I know very little, and back when I was 12 or 13 I wouldn't have known a damn thing about them. Knowing what battles occurred in the Revolutionary War can be a good thing to know, sure, but I think knowing what's going on around you and the recent events that led to that is much more important. Anyway, kind of getting off topic here, but I think it's more the school curriculum's fault than anything. You're not going to get many 8-12 year old kids actively looking up information on recent history on their own time, so anything they know about it is going to have to come from the schools. Kind of a shame really that there are that many kids who don't know much of anything about 9/11.
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. While I see the point that you're making, I am going to have to go out on a limb here and say that humans in general keep fucking this one up. I mean, fuck, the area in the Middle East that we've been dicking around in for the past 10+ years has been at war basically non-stop for as long as human history has been recorded. That area is the anti-Rodney King: They just can't get along. I am ex-Navy. I agree that our country needs to protect it's citizens, itself and it's borders. But at the same time, I gotta say: For all our intelligence, for all our scientific advances, for everything human beings have accomplished, fuck man, can't we learn this lesson yet? Killing others, whether it's in the name of religion, freedom, righteousness or anything else, there's got to be a better fucking way. This post brought to you in part by the makers of Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum.