Don't get me wrong... they are in real-time communication with their chain of command, and there are a lot of people watching the feed. But the info coming in is chaotic at best, and unless you're actively involved in what is going on, it's hard to piece together what you're watching. If you're some press dude watching what was going on I'd have no doubt that you'd be confused as fuck. I imagine that countless hours have and will be spent going over the different recordings to get a clear picture of what happened.
Interesting read: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... _blog.html</a>
Overheard in my office today "Oh couldn't they have waited another week so it wouldn't overshadow will and kate's wedding?" I wish I was kidding. I weep for the fucking species.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... have-begun</a>
I know a similar photo was posted already, but the added text makes it funnier to me. Maybe Obama thought they were raiding Sony? I just read that the iconic Situation Room photo is the most viewed on Flickr right now. I wonder if that'll go down as memorable as, say, the image of the 3 FDNY guys raising the flag at Ground Zero. I'm sorry, but you are an idiot if you think this whole thing went down the way the government is telling us.
I thought this was a very interesting article. It gives the perspective of the kids who were in the classroom when Bush found out about the 9/11 attacks. I love the fact that his first reaction wasn't fear, like it was for every single person around me, including myself, at the time (I lived on Long Island at the time), but anger. He was pissed off. BTW. Who gives a shit if it didn't go down the way the "official" story says. The fucker is dead. Who cares who did it and how.
If I had a nickel... So what if they won't release post-mortem photos? Anyone's an idiot if they're actively hoping to see the damned things. There's something intrinsically morbid about wanting to see a corpse for its own sake. Will seeing the photos make you feel any better? Of course not. Let's not pretend like it'll somehow further confirm that the guy's dead. So why bother? Shit like that, just let it go. If this woman can, you should too.
What a courageous way to let us all know that you're too smart to buy into the official line. It doesn't allow anyone to challenge your (most likely) ill-informed beliefs. What part of the official statement are you contesting? Yes, some of the details that were originally released are turning out to be incorrect. Yes, most of the specific details will not be released or expanded on for OPSEC reasons. Neither of these issues are controversial, nor are they really in dispute. So what are you referring to?
A professor of mine made this exact point. He doesn't believe that Bin Laden is dead and no photo is going to convince him otherwise. He also said that the government has nothing to gain by releasing the photos. Some people believe that he's not dead now and if they release the photos, many of those same people will say it's fake anyway. The people who already believe he's dead will continue to believe so.
HLN just reported that, among other crops, OBL was growing pot in his backyard. What are the odds that he blew his cover out of sheer laziness/forgetfulness? Towelhead? More like Towelie-head, amirite?? *ahem* On a serious note, they made the point that he was living quite progressively, contrary to Muslim practices of the region. I'm not sure that really means anything, but I found it interesting.
My point wasn't whether or not I cared about seeing the photos. I'm just as glad as anyone else that the guy is dead, I don't doubt that. Photo or not. My point is I don't think it happened how we are being told. Personally I think he was shot execution style. As a matter of fact Jay Carney just said during a press conference that Osama was "shot above the neck". A little nervous about the ramifications this could bring from certain Arab countries.
And the people who believe he isn't will continue to believe so. I have no illusions that my government won't lie to me. But, they would not, because they cannot, lie about something of this magnitude. If you believe they faked it, then you probably believe there are aliens in New Mexico. Whatever your political leanings may be it is undeniable that President Obama is smart enough to not think up "Hey, let's tell the whole world we killed Bin Laden when all he would have to do is post a video on Youtube telling me I am a liar to debunk this whole thing so I can get re-elected in 2012." Bin Laden is shark shit right now. Whether that has any effect on the "war on terror" or the more general fight against people that detest free will is yet to be determined. It is sufficient to say that the evil man that orchestrated the deaths of some 3,000 human beings on 911 as well as the deaths of the sailors on board the USS Cole and the deaths of several hundred people in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam is now dead. His manner of dying is unimportant. The fact that he no longer lives is. Personally, I believe he is not in Paradise with a flock of virgins. Instead, for all eternity, he will suffer all of the torments an Old Testament God can dish out.
I'm not the most trusting of the government myself, but if you're assuming they're lying simply because they refuse to release what are undoubtedly extremely graphic photographs, you're the only idiot in the room. Would proof be nice? Yes, and I'd love to see some myself but releasing those photos would be taken as gloating by some. Remember the reactions to all those Al-Qaeda videos of Nick Berg and others being hacked to death? That's the same reaction I imagine we would see from Bin Laden's already-violent and angry friends.
I want the death shots to be released, but only to see the hilarious photoshops that 4chan will produce.
The man hurt literally millions of Americans in one way or another, whether that be the loss of a loved one, friend, coworker, not seeing military family members or even losing one "over there". That evokes so much emotion much like that fateful day we all stood still in awe of what we were watching on TV. At that very moment, for the first time in a long time, we were all one, we all felt the wave of emotions in the days following, we were all there with them, alive and dead they were all part of our families and we felt their pain as if it were our own. I remember that day so clearly it's scary. I remember driving into work that morning thinking to myself that I should be doing something else, something that made a difference, something to help but there was nothing. The best thing was to do my job. That morning as I drove in the left lane I noticed something odd. When I looked down at my speedo I was doing like 45 MPH on the was everyone else. To have this happen, even though we all know deep down this was the "mission" that began so many years ago is almost euphoric and seems unreal to many. They will believe what they will, just as they did the reasons it happened in the first place be that conspiracy or otherwise. The news just feeds off of these emotions and spits out what it will. Whether or not we ever really find out the whys and hows of what happened really makes no difference. The way we move forward from this point on, does. Believe what you will, I don't care but do not sully our military in the process. It is because of them we are able to have differing opinions. Respect them no matter what yours is.
If he was executed, then he got off easy. It's got to be a hell of a lot better than leaping out of one of the tallest buildings in the world to avoid being crushed by steel girders or burned alive by pools of ignited jet fuel. If he was killed with puppies blessed by Allah himself, there would still be people who would want to retaliate against us. A bullet to the head doesn't change a damn thing.