If they don't want to release the photo, thats fine, but don't make up some BS excuse as to why. Just simply state that you aren't and everyone can suck it up. The MFer is gone, let it go.
I think we're overlooking the most important question of all. Not 'will they release the death photos' or 'was Osama ready to run' or 'did Pakistan know about him being there.' What size/cut of delicious steak do these working dogs get after such a precarious mission?
Doc Rob also has a good take on it: <a class="postlink" href="http://shrinktalk.net/?p=2019" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://shrinktalk.net/?p=2019</a> Though, I think instead of "child" his explanation could be used for grown ass ignorant adults.
Enough with the bullshit. I've now shovelled more than a few tasty dark Mexican beers into my gullet and have no qualms about unleashing my own dogs of war via the Ban Hammer. Have rational, non-personal discussions about the subject matter at hand, and don't feed the trolls.
Seeing as there are reports of Obama going to do some closed-door hand shaking and congratulating, and BrianH has mentioned that he knows the guy who did it, it'd be interesting to see how credible that "CIA trained Mossad" thought is.
I dunno man, it could have been the Zohan who took Osama out. A worthy reason to take a break from hairdressing and go back to killing bad brown people again.
Al-Awlaki targeted by drone strike This is one man I'd like to see taken alive. Radical Saudi aristocrats are one thing. American-born traitors are another. Best part? He won't need a translator to help him understand that he's going to spend the rest of his natural life in a concrete coffin at ADX Florence. I'm sure the guards will be super nice to him.
Private citizens may be guilty of treason, but it is not necessarily a death sentence. Additionally, he is a dual-citizen with Yemen which would complicate matters in the court (such as arguing that he renounced his US citizenship) and provide a lot of political pressure.
I'm pretty sure they've charged Adam Gadahn with treason in absentia, and he's not in the military or a federal employee, so it's an option. On the other hand, they haven't put Gadahn on a Targeted Killing list (that we know of). al-Awlaki is the first American to be granted that dubious honor. At any rate, bullets or injections are too good for Anwar. By several accounts, Florence is one of the worst conceivable punishments available on Earth. I want him to rot in a solitary box for the rest of his life while they pump MTV and the Lifetime Channel through the TV in his cell twenty four hours a day. Let him suffer the culture he betrayed.
Thought this was pretty cool. It's a map of how Bin Laden's death spread through Twitter. The first guy to break the news was Keith Urbahn, Rumsfeld's chief of staff. Key quote from the article is, "maybe — just maybe — the number of followers you have on Twitter matters less than who and how active they are". It's a short article and definitely worth a look.
I don't know if this is where this shitty story belongs, but it seems to fit. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/05/07/muslims.kicked.off.plane/index.html?eref=igoogledmn_topstories" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/05/07/mu ... topstories</a> A summary for those of you who don't like clicking links, I'll summarize: 2 muslim dudes dressed in muslim garb were (ironically enough) headed to a conference on prejudice against Muslims, made it through airport security and were seated on the plane and started taxiing out, but other passengers had complained that they made them uncomfortable so they taxied back to the gate where they were removed from the plane by TSA. Ridiculous. Some days you are proud to be an American (where I at least know that I, as a white as white woman, am free). This would not be one of those days.
In the last 10 years several hundred thousand flights have taken off in this country. Four have been hijacked. Of those four 100% WERE BY MUSLIMS!!!!! Should the passengers on that plane not have been expected to be fearful?!?!?!?
Yes, because, "Those four planes were hijacked by Muslims" has about as much importance as "Those four planes were hijacked by two-armed, two-legged humans," which is to say: it doesn't mean dick. Those four planes weren't hijacked by Muslims; they were hijacked by extremists. To say the passengers on that flight were missing the fucking point is a drastic understatement. Would they have been as fearful if a paranoid schizophrenic who was off his meds had boarded that flight? Fat chance. Don't confuse correlation with causation. We have plenty of people in this country who do that already. Contrary to popular belief, not every Muslim wants to run a 767 into your living room and ruin this week's episode of Teen Mom for you.
If you think that profiling doesn't work, then you're on crack. And their reaction wasn't profiling, it was inbred redneck overreaction and ignorance. And my profiling of this thread shows that it has a predisposition to imploding, more than it already has. Double-tap to the face.