Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I kind of wish they had captured him alive just so he could be made to confront the horrible things he has done as well as face the families of the people he killed. Nevertheless, I hope the families and friends of those who died on 9/11 find solace in this and finally be able to put this mental burden to rest.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I'm pretty tolerant. I'd love nothing more than to bacon buttplug him on the White House lawn. This whole mess has me sad for a lot of reasons. The man is dead, we should leave it at that. On one hand we should scourge his name from the universe's record. The other hand, he should be made an example of where extreme ignorance, hate, and disregard of people's freedoms lead. Really, think how soon we forget about the monsters. But it won't do any good to anyone. Bury him in peace. Show the world we can respect the death of even the most hated tyrant. Force won't remedy Al-Queda, or groups or individuals with that same mindset, any more than grand gestures. It might save a few lives in the coming weeks, though. The world is a mess.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 No skin off your teeth. Jagerette already lets you fuck...what's the count now, 3 of her friends?
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Damn Chinese firewall, can't see my facebook wall which I assume is clogged with great/idiotic quotes.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 This is very true. In fact, I have a feeling that we will see in the coming days the effect the unrest in the middle east in the past few months had on the fact we finally got him. I have a feeling that the unity that is being felt by people in the ME has started to loosen lips from people over there. (You saw it here first folks.)
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I do believe he's going to need this to carry his nuts in.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Obama should have finished his speech with "AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!" knocked the podium over and walked out with his hand raised over his head.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 The guy who took the shot probably won't be able to talk about it for quite a while because of OPSEC. Shit, It could be Brian H for all we know.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 "can't believe he didnt have ghost pro on" - FB quote of the night
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Just finished the fireworks show with what we had stockpiled. Go America!
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I wish I had some fireworks. I think the cops would understand if I shot off some blanks.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 So fucking happy right now, there's no words. Nothing witty, nothing funny, just....fucking hell, guys. Can't believe this is real.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Let's all remember to give credit where credit is due. Thank you George W. for not giving up!
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Obama will soon announce secret plans on dealing with al-Qaeda now that Osama is dead. Build 10 000 Seven-Eleven stores throughout Afghanistan and Pakistan and give them all jobs.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Thanks to whoever put bullets in that animal. Everyone else is a leech.