Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Nope, it was Abbotabad, about 2.5 hrs by car. I've seen 3 news outlets get it wrong so far. I'm stealing that shit. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Because it's the same thing "they" do. I like to think we're better than that. Instead of celebrating a moment that could catalyze a new wave of murder and zealotry, celebrate justice or possibly a renaissance of human rights in Muslim countries. Not just for our troops, but the people that live in these countries and want to live their lives without intrusion. Celebrate when our soldiers come back in one piece. Hooting and hollering seems garish. Given the chance it seems as if some idiot would tie the corpse to the back of a car and drive it through the streets. That's the vibe I get, but that's just me. Don't get me wrong. The man deserved to die and he got off too easy. I just don't like crowd mentalities or the possible message we send in that kind of emotional frenzy. Though like I said earlier, at Ground Zero I wouldn't begrudge them. Those folks had their lives irrevocably changed that day. This is a much needed release. I apologize if this sounds preachy. There's a shit ton of emotions and thoughts rolling through my head. Not all of them mingle.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11!/Slashleen/status/64898901899087872
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I have a few close friends in the military and I can only guess how many friends they have that are in Afghanistan or Iraq right now. It seems to me that if I were them I'd be concerned for my friends who are over there right now because some sort of retaliation towards American troops and interests seems inevitable.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I think you answered your own question. Which is to say, you admit that it's brutish and idiotic; you just don't think there's anything wrong with that. Or if there is, you don't care. Hey, I'm not shedding a single tear for the guy. The world's a (rather marginally) better place with him dead. But this is like slipping one past the goalie after your team's already down by 5. Did 9/11 suddenly not happen? Did 3,000 people somehow magically un-die? Does Al-Qaeda no longer exist? Is Bin Laden's brand of terrorism no longer a threat in the world? A small measure of justice has been done, and that's a good thing. If you think that an appropriate response is gathering outside the White House and singing Steam, then the grown-up world is still waiting for you to join it. As for the maniacs and any offense taken or retribution; I wouldn't grant them the excuse that Americans' reactions to the news is what motivated them. Nor do I particularly care what they think. It's not them that I'm concerned about here.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 "The more you know the more you don't know man, you know" Pretty sure thats a quote off a movie or something, does anybody know which?
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 I have to admit that, from the perspective of the nation as a whole, the entire affair is like watching an aging Hall of Fame shoe-in break a hitting slump with a home run. He's been off his game as of late, the opposing teams are becoming less intimidated of him, and even the sports show commentators have been questioning lately if his better days are permanently behind him. But now, as the ball sails several rows deep into the bleachers, the spectators collectively think to themselves, Maybe he still has left in him a little of what made him great in the first place. I'm off to fry various foods, fire up my big-block Chevy, and drive off into the country night to shoot things with large-caliber guns. Fuck yeah.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Do we have to be removed and intellectual about this? Holy fuck, we JUST KILLED OSAMA BIN LADEN. I was 12 on 9/11. I had no personal connection to the attack but I'll be goddamned if I don't remember exactly where I was when I heard. My entire generation grew up with him as the Great Enemy. Literally my whole young adult life has had Osama bin Laden as THE bad guy. Hollywood couldn't make a badder bad guy - they've tried. And I'm sure the feeling is that much more pronounced for those who were old enough to truly appreciate the impact and loss of 9/11 when it happened. All the men and women in uniform who have died in the "War on Terror?" HIS FAULT. However you feel about Bush and the entry into the wars, we would not be in either of them if it wasn't for this motherfucker. I'm not naive enough to think it's over by a longshot, and the unfortunate real-life consequence is that the bad guys could very well step up their militarism as a result of this. But don't fucking deny the catharsis that this nation deserves. If people want to sing in the streets in front of the White House? Let them. I'd be there with them if I could. Seriously? Celebrating the death of the self-proclaimed number one enemy of this nation is "barbaric?" The U.S. government is caring for what's left of the body (I can only assume the SEALs present all put a round or two in him - I sure as shit would have) in accord with Muslim tradition, and that's really as much dignity and respect as I think this event, and his body, deserves. Holy fuck. Those of you who are scorning and looking down your noses at the people outside celebrating are losing sight of the point here - we fucking killed Bin Laden.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Bin Laden was the guy who got the network off the ground with his funds and brains, I don't know where AG will get money if not from him. Is it Heroin? That's what they're selling? There might be folks who try to replace him, but they probably can't. He was a wealthy, smart, tall Saudi (damn near a prince). He managed to hit the USA again and again and again without dying (for a long time, considering when he started going against the USA). I'm not sure how many more like OBL they have up their sleeve. Also Spoiler That motherfucker's DEAD! What the fuck will I do now?
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 This reminds me of those guys who, when I was 12 and 9/11 happened, said "It must have been the Japanese!". Even for a 12 year old, that shows a pretty stunning ignorance of current geopolitics. But more than just current political reality, it shows a deep misunderstanding of how the world works. If you were raised with Osama Bin Laden as the bad guy and had nothing else to focus on, then I'm sorry you couldn't trouble yourself to do a bit of reading and become more familiar with who and what exactly was being fought. Remember that the United States would have never invaded Afghanistan had the Taliban given him (and Al Qaeda) up after 9/11, as per George Bush's ultimatum. So yes, I'll be intellectual and removed and snooty and look down my nose. You think I'm losing sight of the point, but from my perspective, you never got it in the first place.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 In lighter news, I was the first of my friends to learn this and I accidentally announced it as so "Obama has finally been killed!" They gave me mortified looks until I realized what I said...damn similar names.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11!/ReallyVirtual Dude was unwittingly tweeting about Osama's death and didn't realize it, live from Pakistan.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 How do U.S. Presidents pronounce "Pakistan:" Rhymes with Cock-a-Dong Barack Obama Bill Clinton Rhymes with Hack-a-Van George W. Bush Can anyone find some audio clips to fill in more of these lists? I found Reagan saying Afghanistan (rhymes with Van) but not Pakistan.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Well this thread is well along the road to lock-ville. Let's keep it going. Until you see the crowds outside the White House and at Ground Zero burning flags, rioting, burning down embassies and calling for the death of all [insert national or ethnic group here], please spare us the moral equivalency argument between the things that are happening tonight and what "they" do. An unbelievably evil man and a sworn enemy of the United States is dead. To me, there's no question it's a cause for celebration.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Just got back to my apartment from the White House. I can't really describe the scene there. It was like a block party mixed a rave with some funeral thrown in there too. It was a lot of GW and Georgetown students but also older people and people who's relatives died either on 9/11 or during the wars. It was a weird mixture of events. I brought my flask of Makers Mark and toasted our wonderful military and servicemen/women who have done so much for America to keep us safe. Sang the national anthem and "God Bless America." A truly crazy night.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 "HEY GUESS WHAT MAN, WE DID IT! WE KILLED BIN LADEN!!!" "Yeah, so what?" "So, it's 3 AM on a Sunday and we're having a kegger at the Washington Monument RIGHT NOW" "Oh I am THERE, USA! USA!" -Every single college aged kid on the news right now
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 There is undisputed evil in the world, and now there is less. He's one man, but symbolically he's so much more. He represented an assault on not only American values but all of Western civilization. What we stand for: prosperity, free religion, women's rights, etc, was challenged and that challenge has now been met. Freedom has once prevailed.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Did I miss anything last night? Nice Obama. First, he ends rascism forever by having a beer with Black Teacher and Ku Klux Kop and now this. I wonder if Islamabad feels Islamaterrible about having this dude playing croquet in their backyard. I'm happy for the USA, this must be a huge weight off the shoulders after a decade of not finding P.E.#1. I'm glad they're also not acting like the entire network terrorism has indeed NOT been shut down. This is a major blow to it, however. Have they named the soldier that deleivered the coup de gras yet? Shouldn't he be millions of dollars richer now?