Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 See what we accomplished once the Playstation Network and Online Poker got shut down?
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Split from the WDT to get the attention this topic deserves. Leave the politics out of this- no matter what you believe or what color or nationality you are, it doesn't matter. Today is a victory for everyone in the free world. God Bless America, God Bless our troops, and God Bless every country and person who fought (and who still fight) for us.
Just a reminder, as hard as it is for some people to grok, no politics. Talk about the dead guy, the SEAL team that did it, that sort of thing, but don't bring up anything to do with how this will affect reelection, which political party/persona should get credit, etc., etc. The moderation will be decidedly heavy handed, and way out of proportion, so be careful with what you think you want to say. And if you're Canadian, go vote, ya heathens.
They've located the compound on Google Maps, and already the site reviews are pouring in and hilarious. <a class="postlink" href=",73.246193&spn=0.010331,0.01929&z=16&iwloc=A" onclick=";return false;"> ... 16&iwloc=A</a>
While I think Osama got what he deserved, I just don't get all the celebrating. I guess I just can't get on board with cheering for death. Justice has been served, but sometimes it's a joyless prospect. I think this is one of those times because his death ain't bringing anyone back.
I am happy for whatever solace or closure this will bring to people who lost family and friends in 9/11. But the US spent 400 billion dollars, ten years and 2000+ lives fighting this battle. No winning took place last night - just the last vestiges of revenge. I'm not sure a celebration is in order.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Clearly the real answer is that Osama used his real address on his PSN account.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 "They" also eat, breathe, drink, and kill people who are trying to kill them. Should we stop doing those things as well?? The guy was responsible for the deaths of 3000+ Americans, hundreds of Australians/Brits/Spaniards, and tens of thousands of people in various Muslim countries and other places. More importantly, he was the recognized face of our country's enemy. If Peyton Manning breaks his neck on the first play of the NFL season someone will still play QB for the Indianapolis Colts, but their playoff/championship hopes will have taken a serious blow. (Not saying Bin Laden was as important to Al Qaeda as Manning is to the Colts, but the general point still stands.)
I got a news alert saying that they buried his body at sea. Obviously the whole conspiracy shit that has been going on lately missed them completely.
They better put out a postmortem shot quick, reading CNN's comment sections, there is already a ground swell of idiots who think it's a big sham since the body has already been dumped. I am morbidly curious to see them myself but really it wouldn't matter they could have just shot 50 cruise missiles and turned the compound into dust for all I care. No shit this won't stop those maniacs from being maniacs but as the top figure of the organization that planned 9/11, all geopolitical minutia aside, it is a very good thing he was "brought to justice."
I have a sneaking suspicion that they actually performed the raid on the compound and shot Osama several days ago (maybe even as much as a week), and that they DNA tested him to be sure they had the correct corpse before announcing it to the world. I'm sure they took pictures of him while he was on the table. It's probably about time they did something with the body. Unless they freeze it, I can't imagine a shot up corpse has a very long shelf life. *edit* I am completely wrong...I am reading the twitter of that guy who accidentally live tweeted the event, and his posts started on the 29th.
honestly, I don't see any plausible way for a western first world government to obtain the cadaver and then not make a media event out of it. Ignoring the internet furor, the families of 9/11 victims deserve the closure of seeing proof. And the PR shitstorm of claiming he's dead and not presenting the body? no fucking way. It's idiotic to claim the kill if it's not true. It's freaking retarded to throw away the proof if it is true. But I'm also not sure I see a cause for celebration. It took the western first world in general, and the collective military and covert forces of the united states, a whisker shy of a decade, to nail the most wanted man in the world, an elderly man who's almost 7 foot tall, and is on dialysis. That's a fucking humiliating travesty that should trigger massive soul searching and embarrassment, not a world wide round of twinkies and budweiser with a celebratory round of American Gladiator.
I'd say that it was pretty well confirmed that it happened yesterday, due to the chopper crash (being shown on Pakistani TV, etc), the guy that happened to tweet what, in hindsight, turned out to be the attack, etc. I can see the point of dumping the body ASAP, in order to not provide anyplace for the fucktards who followed him to focus their crap. Just ditch him like the piece of crap that he was.
Yet you are still siting shitty info that probably wasn't true, was he ever on dialysis, just more misinformation that was fed to our intelligence? It was pitiful we missed him in the Tora Bora battle but this ain't no movie, everything doesn't wrap up nicely in the third act. Don't worry the course of human history was changed by this guy and his merry band of murders, and not in a good way, I think Ill have a drink to his demise on that note.
Wasn't there a ridiculously large award for anyone who killed or captured this asshole? Do the guys that actually did it get that money? I hope like hell they do.
If he was a midget ninja who was immune to all disease and completely without the need to eat, it'd still be a fucking humiliating travesty for it to have taken a decade to nail him. The money and powers that are granted to the respective authorities charged with policing the western first world might not ever be enough to prevent terrorism or acts of mass murder. But as they currently stand? They should be enough to see the cocksucker responsible for an event like 9/11 either on trial, or nailed to a wall during the arrest in a matter of of months at most. When we're talking 116 months? I see how that's an astonishing fuck up and thank fuck someone finally got it fucking done. I'm not sure I see how it's an America, fuck Yeah! moment.
Re: Draft? Why Yes, I'd Love One! WDT 4/29/11 Nowhere am I saying that men like this should be tolerated, because they shouldn't, not for a second. They are a disgrace to the human race and should be removed from society by any means necessary. Our justice system is objective and dispassionate when meting out punishment. This may not have been done by our court system, but close enough given the circumstances. Not to mention other 9/11 suspects being tried by American courts in the idiom of our laws. It seems like a betrayal to the dignity of our nation, and it's people, and the dignity of all the victims of this stinking mess for the past 10 years to be cheering over blood and to make a spectacle of this. Please gather, cheer, sing, console, and mourn. Hopefully in a year we can do it for the last time. But the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Bush made a fantastic comment last night: ultimately this is a message that justice will eventually be served to those that defy human decency. I like that a lot more than a crowd singing "Hey hey hey, goodbye." Because they did. Come on, that's how some people will remember this? Edit: This picture is the point I'm trying to make: Spoiler *facepalm* I hope he at least gets a college fund for his future kids and a deluxe storage unit to put all the vagina that will be thrown his way.
Weekend at Usama's? If I was Obama, I would had fun with it. I would have started the press conference, and halfway through the speech, had two paid actors walk out of the back with Bin Laden tied to them ala "Weekend at Bernies". I would then have him salute me, ask him if I minded pre-testing those 72 virgins for him, and insuate that he smoked infidel cock. The actors would then have him react to each question enthuseastically. I'd then smack him down, and say "Bitch, please. You know better than to fuck with a bad motherfucker like me. You lived for 10 years because we wanted you to! But enough is enough, and it's time to pay the piper." I'd then whip out my cock and piss on him right on stage while the National Anthem blared.* If that Andrew McCarthey and Jonathan Silverman were not available, I'd have them killed and I'd simply have his head delivered to me on stage via silver platter. Fuck yeah. *Of course, this does bring up a another issue. We could cast a voodoo spell on the body to lead us to key figures of his terrorist organization. A zombified Bin Laden would wander through Pakistan (preferably with a harpoon through his head) in search of this treasure.