Good grief, this show is so good. So dark and tense. I've got four episodes to go. I have absolutely no idea how it's going to wrap up. I definitely think Spoiler a Byrde is going to die, probably Marty or Wendy, and I'm leaning Wendy. Also, Richard Thomas is killing it. It's quite a departure from John Boy Walton.
Just finished up the finale last night and... I'm not sure I liked it? Or maybe the ending was meant to make me feel the way I did. Spoiler I REALLY wanted Wendy to get some sort of comeuppance, but like she said to Mel, why shouldn't they win? Also, I didn't like the sudden 180 that Jonah did; going from completely being against Wendy and Marty to seemingly becoming just like them at the last minute.
Spoiler My take is that I liked the themes of the ending, but I didn't like the execution. Ruth's luck finally running out and getting killed works, but her being killed by a character we barely know took away some of the impact. It felt a little too tacked-on, rather than a tragic inevitability. The Byrdes/Navarro not getting to retire to the life they told themselves they wanted works, but Jonah suddenly deciding to blast someone with a shotgun instead of a more measured descent into the life of crime his parents have built felt abrupt and out of character. Lots of little things ultimately added up to them not quit earning the thematic ending they wanted to write.
Buuutt.... Spoiler Did Jonah shoot the PI or his mom?? I'm choosing to believe he shot the PI, but we don't really know.
Spoiler I think he killed the PI because if you remember, he racked the shotgun and pointed it and then both her and Marty looked at the PI with pride in their eyes. Not saying he couldn’t have pointed at her last second, but it wouldn’t have made sense to me.
Spoiler He shot the PI