Except you'd end up on stage in Mos Eisly, with a body reminiscent of a stretchy starving african baby and a face full of plastic surgery waiting to happen. The SW universe is, much like Hitler's Germany, pretty rocking if you're one of the genetically lucky few that get to throw down with the giant glowsticks, but it pretty much sucks for everyone else. Get up, bring in the paper, first sip of morning coffee and boom, Deathstar blows up your planet. Anti-focus: The Hollywood universe. Although it's technically a collection of universes, they all share some common traits to accommodate the viewer, like exposition: "You see, the heart circulates blood in the body." "Yes I know, I'm a doctor too." "If a clot appears here, in this area, it could cause a heart attack." "Look, this is common knowledge and I'm beginning to doubt you even went to medical school." "Our only answer is to amputate!" "What? Are you insane? Fuck!" "It's preventative medicine, stand aside!"
Focus: Pokemon (the original)- Who wouldn't want pets that could breath fire, fly you anywhere you want to go, or shock the crap out of anybody that pisses you off? Alt. Focus: BSG- Constantly on the run from an enemy that doesn't tire. Stuck on the same damn ship day after day with the same damn people doing the same damn thing. Everyone is paranoid that everyone else could be a Cylon. The only good looking women are Cylons. Need I really go on?
I too, would want a socialist paradise with free healthcare and being constantly saved by eleven year olds with fucking dragons.
Tombstone: I think the phrase, "I don't think I'm going to let you arrest us today sheriff" sums that up nicely. This also puts me in line for a dignified death caused by either a hail of gunfire or whorehouse syphilis. Anti-Focus: Waterworld. Sure, I can swim. But do I really want to swim that much? Plus, I don't really feel like peeing into a slightly more complicated version of Mousetrap to render drinkable fluid.
I'll third this. I want my life to be a combination of Carrie's and Samantha's. Also, I'd be down to live in the How to Make it in America world. Chill with hot, straight dudes who are starting a fashion line? Sounds good. Apparently, I really want to live in New York?
Focus The universe of Adam Sandler films. Think about it. A universe where ugly, sociopathic stupid obnoxious assholes are irresistable to the hottest women imaginable, can beat up ten much larger men at once, can act like completely childish retards and still always win in the end. ANYBODY could do well there. ALT FOCUS A universe filled with super-intelligent death hornets. Hornets scare me.
Focus: Well if I can have force powers, I'm down for being the next Mace Windu. However, if you don't get cool powers, just hand me a broadsword, and drop me off in Krynn. At least there would be neat magical shit going on in the world. Or...you know...the porn thing. Alt Focus: Any place with glowing vampires, teenagers with permanent angst, or a zombie apocalypse, is for the fucking birds.
Focus Xanth haven't read these books in 15 years but would still be a cool place to live. Hope I get a good power. Alt Focus Water World. I am getting seasick thinking about it
My absolutely serious answer is Pandora, the Avatar world. Seriously how could you pass that up? Maybe I'm just a hippie.
I third the Pokemon universe. I could finally ride a Charizard. This has been a childhood dream of mine that I still want to this day. Ash made it look fucking amazing.
I would definitely have to say the Harry Potter universe. Come on, you wake up on your 11th birthday and find out you're a wizard and that you're going off to a school that teaches you how to harness your innate magical ability. Then you go to a wand store and it fucking picks you? Yeah, sign me up. I just fucking love the idea of magic and sorcery in general. Alt focus: Anything apocalyptic or post apocalyptic.
As a more "classic" nerd, I'll go with Star Trek. As long as I'm not one of those poor dopes that goes on the away teams and gets shredded five seconds after hitting the ground. Other than that, as long as you don't live on a border with one of the other major powers, humanity's having itself a golden age. I mean, they've got holodecks and booze that doesn't give you a hangover! Alt Focus: Dune. Sure, eating "spice" to make yourself immortal sounds good but if you're just a regular schmuck, you're pretty much screwed. Any time a future society reverts to a feudal form of government, you know that's bad news. Especially if your space empire is administered by a fat gay pedophile who needs a hover chair to move around.
FOCUS: The Fallout universe. Just to be different, I guess. Some of the tech would be fantastic, and definitely less morons to deal with on a daily basis... ALT. FOCUS: Going back a few hundred years in the past. You'd get burned at the stake for being a witch/wizard/sorceror since you'd know much more about many things, including technology. Am I the only one who thought this thread would go in a very different direction from the thread title?
Also, there would be a myriad of ways to deal with aforementioned "morons", and no punishment for offing them. Hence, I second the Fallout universe.
Star Wars, I mean fuck there's no way I'd be a Jedi or Sith, but who doesn't want to fuck some blue chick with tentacles growing out of her head?
Can I be a Bluth and live in Arrested Development universe? It seems like none of them ever do any real work but they still have money? And I totally want a stair-car.
Focus: Secret Girlfriend: I want to be that guy. Yeah, you'd have to deal with his crazy ex-gf and his semi-retarded friends. However the amount of incredibly hot tail, and easy going life, would far out-weigh any downfalls. Anit-Focus: Resident Evil (especially the hive): Fuck. That.