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Phrases you hate

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kampf Trinker, Dec 9, 2016.

  1. Coquette

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 24, 2009
    I've unfriended people on FB because of this very quote; granted, they probably should have been weeded out when the "Why can't I just find a man/woman/cat that loves me for who I am?" posts started, but sometimes I like to watch the pain unfold.

    My brother says this constantly. He also uses the phrase "with all intensive purposes". I (literally) take a xanax when I see his name pop up on my phone.

    Timely. My daughter is 5, and truthfully, impresses the fuck out of me almost every time I have a conversation with her. However, today was library day at school, and she asked which "libary" book she should check out. I corrected her pronunciation and move on.

    Less than 60 seconds later, she says "libary" again - and for some reason, I just lost my shit. She can say "good morning" in four god damned languages, so I'm pretty sure she can pronounce "library" correctly - which she can, after spending the rest of the drive repeating it*.

    *Just for clarification - after a few times of saying it correctly, I said "good job" and told her she could have her tablet back. Instead, she just kept repeating it (in different accents, in song, in fucking SPANISH) - presumably to punish me for taking away YouTube Kids for 90 seconds. She's taking the bus next year...

    ALT FOCUS: "Anyways" has somehow gotten away with being a sort-of word. It's not. 'Any' is a word. 'Ways' is a word. Anyways is not a word.
  2. Coquette

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 24, 2009
    "Deep dive". Data, not water. The process rocks. The phrase itself is overused and misunderstood.

    "Sorry, not sorry". Why bother to speak at all? Besides, DGAF is way easier to text.

    - One in the same. Unless something is actually inside something else, it's one AND the same.

    - Piece of [my] mind vs. peace of mind. Truth: I was called out by an ex in college for misusing the former phrase (I don't do well when someone corrects my grammar), and I just became hypersensitive when people omit the "my".